
ChurchLetters.org Membership

Over 1,200 Modifiable Church Letter Templates written by a Pastor... for Pastors.  Copy, Paste, Modify, Send! ™

  • Written by a REAL Pastor with over 40 years of full-time Ministry experience
  • Over 1,200 Church Letter Templates... and growing!
  • Over 100 Church Welcome Templates... and growing!
  • Library of Social Media Graphics for all Active Members.  (Use on your Social Media accounts)
  • Church Bulletin and Newsletter Articles! 
  • The Fee you join with today will NEVER go up as long as your membership remains active. 


Renews Every Month
Flat Fee 

Access ALL Letters and Welcomes!

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Better than Software

Unlike “static” software which is difficult to constantly update, we are able to continue adding letters as the need arises, or as events merit. For example, with various current events, we have been able to add letters in a moment.

Request a Letter

We are able to add letters to our site by request simply by visiting our contact page, and if it’s something that would benefit our entire membership, we will write it, then place it on our site for other members to access as well!

Explore New Ministry Ideas

Many of the letters deal with topics you may not have thought of before! Get away from the “we’ve never done it that way before” mentality, and try some new ministry approaches!