Exercise for backpain

Fitness Tips for Busy Church Leaders

In 1 Corinthians we are called to take care of our body, which is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Often church leaders are short on time or aren't able to make it to a gym, that's why we are bringing TEMPLE TIME to you! This series of short workout videos  can be done in your office without equipment and even in your normal clothes. 

Here's Why Our Members Love Temple Time

Take a Break from the Desk for Just Minutes a Day!

Each workout is specialized to help undo the harmful effects of sitting at your desk. Just 5 minutes each day doing these mini workouts will improve your posture, help back pain, alleviate shoulder pain, and reduce carpal tunnel. 

Lose Unwanted
Pounds & Inches!

If you've been in ministry for any amount of time, you know the challenges to stay in shape... which only increase the older you get!  Perhaps you have some extra pounds and inches you would like to see eliminated in a safe and healthy way. 

Feel Mentally &
Spiritually Alert!

Getting some exercise each day can increase your energy level and creativity. Church leaders are often too busy to make it to a gym so we are bringing Temple Time to you! 


What's Included?

10 Workout Videos: Dwayne Lawrence, CPT, will walk you through how to do each exercise within the comfort of your home or office without any equipment. 


Printable Workout Plans: This companion PDF lists descriptions of each exercises from the videos and how many reps/sets you should do of each. Each workout only takes 5-10 minutes.

Printable Workout Tracker: Print this PDF for your desk to keep track of your fitness goal and which video you will do each day to help keep yourself accountable.

Sample Video on Hip Mobility and Strength


Dwayne Lawrence, Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

Dwayne Lawrence has been helping clients lose weight, build strength and regain their wellness through movement and nutrition for over a decade. His personal wellness journey began in college where he lost over 80 pounds. He graduated with a degree in Kinesiology and began helping others reach their fitness goals as a personal trainer at Gold's Gym. Over the past decade, he's been a fitness director at the YMCA, a performance coach at Power Train and now operates his own personal training studio Blitz Performance.

Dwayne Lawrence, CPT

Certified Personal Trainer

Custom Workout Plans

Are you ready to get serious about your health? Dwayne Lawrence offers one-on-one virtual training through custom workout plans. Here's what's included in our custom workout plan + Temple Time package:

Consultation Call: On this call, you'll discuss your health goals, equipment (if any) you have access to and health concerns that may impact what type of exercises you can do.


Detailed Workout Plans: Our custom plans start at 3 workouts/week with a one month progression of those workouts to build strength and reach your goals. Dwayne will send a detailed written plan accompanied by videos/photos that demonstrate each exercise.

Advice and Accountability: Dwayne will check in to monitor your progress and answer any questions you have throughout the month.

Temple Time Package


Get instant access to all 10 workout videos,

the printable PDF and workout tracker today!

Custom Plans + Temple Time


One-on-One consultation with Dwayne Lawrence, 3 custom workout plans with progressions for one month (12 workouts total). Plus, you'll get instant access to our Temple Time package!
