
Sample Letter 

Summer Stewardship Letter

Warm Greetings in Christ!

Yes, isn’t it wonderful to use the word “warm”?

The Summer Months are here and many of our families are looking forward to their vacations as they pack up and head to various areas of the country. While there are many who tend to just enjoy being “homebodies”, many do enjoy getting away if at all possible.

While we here at First Christian Church meet on a weekly basis for service, we would like to encourage you to remember us both in your prayers as you ask God to move in special ways during the services, and of course, we ask that you remain faithful and consistent in your stewardship and giving.

The Summer Months can be a bit challenging for churches at times as the bills continue to arrive and must be paid. We are always thrilled (like you I’m sure) to be able to pay the bills on time. This helps us keep a good witness in our local community!

Please know that we do not take for granted either your prayers OR your giving!
II Corinthians 9:7 in the Amplified Version says this; “Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].”

A man on vacation was strolling along outside his hotel. Suddenly, he was attracted by the screams of a woman kneeling in front of a child. The man knew enough to determine that the child had swallowed a coin. Seizing the child by the heels, the man held him up, gave him a few shakes, and a quarter dropped to the sidewalk. “Oh, thank you sir!” cried the woman. “You seemed to know just how to get it out of him. Are you a doctor?”

“No, ma’am,” replied the man. “I’m with the Internal Revenue Service.”
It is understandable to be unenthusiastic about paying taxes, but when it comes to giving to the Lord we should have a joyful spirit. After all, He has given us every good thing we have.

We trust you continue to enjoy an amazing Summer and we definitely look forward to seeing you in church as much as possible!

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor John Doe

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