How many times did we hear that growing up as our parents worked to instill the value of sharing with others? I don’t know about you, but I heard my “share” of instructions to do the right thing and share with my friends, especially when there was something that would be of benefit to both of us. (Actually, I never really thought sharing a candy bar was a good idea, and still don’t).
On to my main thought, and it concerns the value of sharing or liking the posts your church posts on the church Facebook page.
As we watch our News Feeds on Facebook “feeding” us, and our “ticker” ticking by with story after story, and like after like, and share after share, we can easily see our friends indeed “like” a lot of things!
Some of the most “liked” pictures are pictures of cats and dogs, as well as the ever present newborns and pictures of grandchildren. Lately there seems to be a plethora (lot of) pictures of delicious looking food…not such a good thing if you’re trying to lose some weight!
Share The Love!
Your church needs (and appreciates) your help in sharing the news of the church events, and I wanted to take a moment to “share” about 4 points as to why this is something you may want to formulate as a habit as you are “facebooking”!
1. Gets The News Out Concerning Church Events
Most churches do not have an endless advertising budget, and even if they did, there is nothing quite so powerful as “word of mouth” advertising. While “sharing” and “liking” on Facebook is hardly the same as sharing the news by “word of mouth”, and neither should it replace it, there is something powerful about your friend seeing that you think enough of the value and importance of your church to share the news with others.
Even churches with large advertising budgets would exchange all of that for a fired up and excited congregation who can’t wait to get out the door to “share” the news of the next great event at the church!