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Special Memorial Day Tribute (For Church)

Intended to be read in a Church or Congregational setting:

On this Memorial Day weekend, we would like to take a few moments during this service to recognize and appreciate those who have paid the highest price possible to secure our freedoms.  Those who have given their life.

It is a profound thought to think that one human being would sacrifice something of so much value, not only to themselves, but also to their families and friends who tearfully said their good-byes as the call to serve beckoned.

Yet, to take it even a step further and to realize these men and women died for people who they didn't even know, as well as those who openly protest and devalue the sacrifices they made on a daily basis.

The Bible gives us a wonderful picture of this in John 15:13 (KJV)
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

memorial-Day-USA-2011-poster-tributeOne could read that scripture and get the impression that Christ “only” died for His friends, yet we know He died for the entire world, and the freedom he fought for was the freedom of the soul.  Indeed, He gave His life for those who were not even on His side yet.  Romans 5:8 brings this truth out; 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

These few moments are meant to cause us to reflect on the value of sacrifice, especially on the ultimate sacrifice.

Special thanks to every wife who said “good-bye” to the husband they would never see alive again.  Special thanks to every child who can only kiss the picture of their Dad or Mom who will never get to watch them graduate or get married.  Special thanks to the parents who had knots in their stomach as they kissed their son or daughter as they left for battle, only to return in a casket draped with a flag.

May we never forget the amazing sacrifice of so many thousands who have gone before, yet may we honor and minister help and healing that only Christ can offer to those who are left behind.

May we also honor those who are serving our Nation today while we pray for their protection and safety.

And thank you, Lord for your willingness to give your life so that any of us who die can know freedom and wholeness for all eternity.

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