Baby Dedication Service Templates

Wouldn't it be great if... could offer a few variations of services so that the SAME service is not used over and over again? With the fact that video is everywhere, especially for events like this, it's a good idea to have something different prepared especially if there are a few dedications scheduled on Sundays close together. could access a variety of saved baby dedication service template formats and with minor modification be ready for a Baby Dedication service in a matter of moments? could have a different Dedication service for "little Johnny" than for "little Susie" who were born into the same family and years later someone pulls up the video and sees identical dedication services? Why not have something different for each one?
Baby Dedication Service Themes
Baby Dedication Service 1 – General Theme
Baby Dedication Service 2 – General Theme
Baby Dedication Service 3 – General Theme
Baby Dedication Service 4 – Sanctity and Value of Life Theme
Baby Dedication Service 5 – Adoption Theme
Please note: These are not infant baptism services but are Baby dedication service templates and are used in a service with
Christian parents dedicating both themselves and their child or children to the Lord for His service.