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Invitation to Fill a Pew Sunday

Dear Church,

Sunday, (DATE) is our annual “Fill-a-Pew” Sunday and we are so excited! This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your unchurched family and friends to a service designed especially to reach them.

We will have a guest speaker, Pastor Michael Jones from Over There Christian Church, and our worship team is putting together a wonderful surprise that we know will encourage and uplift your hearts as well as present a clear Gospel message to our guests.


Invitation to Back to Church Sunday or Friend Day

Warm Greetings in Christ!

Once again, we are coming to the close of another Summer. For many, it seems the Summer days go by way too fast and for a few others, these days simply signify another season just around the corner… football season!

Actually, during the month of September as many are settling back into their schools and jobs following vacation, we also know this is a time for people to look to the church once again for inspiration and fellowship.


Church Letter of Invitation Back To Church Sunday


I trust you and your family are doing well!

You may have seen some of the signs in our community about a special day being observed at many churches called “Back to Church Sunday”.

Well, I wanted to take a moment to send you this church letter of invitation to our “Back to Church Sunday” which is being held on (DATE) at (TIME).

We love our church, and we know you do too!  We are so honored to know you are part of it and want to make sure you know of this great event as well as others we will be sharing about in the days and weeks ahead.  I trust you will put this date on your calendar today and be sure to join us on that day!


Thank You for Attending Back to Church Sunday!

Greetings in Christ!

We wanted to be sure to take this opportunity to send a note of appreciation to you for being our guest here at (NAME OF CHURCH) this past week as we observed a very special day we call “Back to Church Sunday”.

On this special day, we encourage our members and adherents to invite their friends, families and neighbors to come and experience a “taste” of what we're about here at (NAME OF CHURCH).


Useful Statistics for Back to Church Invites!

(This is not a letter, but is great for snippets inside your own communication about this special day)

“Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited.”
– Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door

“Only two percent of church members invite an unchurched person to church. Ninety-eighty percent of church-goers never extend an invitation in a given year.” – Dr Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door

“A study including more than 15,000 adults revealed that about two-thirds are willing to receive information about a local church from a family member and 56 percent from a friend or neighbor. The message is clear that the unchurched are open to conversations about church.” – Philip Nation, LifeWay Research

“Four percent of formerly churched adults are actively looking for a church to attend regularly (other than their previous church). Six percent would prefer to resume attending regularly in the same church they had attended. The largest group, 62 percent, is not actively looking but is open to the idea of attending church regularly again.”
– Scott McConnell, LifeWay Research

“Clearly we can encourage Christians to pray that the unchurched would sense God calling them back, but God works through His people.” “The survey showed that many would respond to an invitation from a friend or acquaintance (41 percent), their children (25 percent) or an adult family member (25 percent).” – Scott McConnell, LifeWay Research

“The issue of affinity also surfaced in the responses. Thirty–five percent indicated that they would be inspired to attend church ‘if I knew there were people like me there.'” – Scott McConnell, LifeWay Research

“Much to the surprise of the ‘Chicken Little' crowd, people are still going to church. And more people would attend if given one simple thing – an invitation.” – Philip Nation, LifeWay Research

– See more at: Back to Church Sunday – Join the Movement! (New window opens)
