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Church Easter Welcome (For Church Bulletin or Announcement)

Resurrection Greetings!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to (NAME OF CHURCH) as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Without a doubt, the impact this one man named Jesus has had on this world has been without equal or parallel. While there have been other leaders who have lived and influenced humanity, whether it be in a positive or negative way, none of them have died, then risen from the grave.

The Resurrection makes ALL the difference. It is what separates Christianity from all other religions of the world. It is what brings light, life and hope to humanity that would otherwise be without hope.

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Church Welcome – Palm Sunday

Welcome to Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship the Lord with us here at (NAME OF CHURCH) on Palm Sunday.

2,000 years ago Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, while the people felt that all their hopes and dreams for being free of the oppression of Roman rule was riding on His back.

Yet, we know that in just a few short days from that time many of the very same people would be watching and even cheering while stripes were laid upon His back prior to being led to His crucifixion.

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Easter Sunday Welcome to Church – Speech or Bulletin Insert

Welcome to (NAME OF CHURCH)!

We are thrilled that you have chosen to join us today for worship as we celebrate our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!

The Resurrection of Christ is the great “separator” when it comes to relationship or religion, and we want you to experience something far deeper today than dead and dry religious ritual. We want you to get to know Christ in a greater way than ever before!

When Jesus walked on this earth in physical form, He went from village to village and set people free who were bound by sin. He healed the sick and afflicted and provided amazing hope to all those who were oppressed.

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Church Welcome – I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me..

Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.

This verse of scripture seems to jump off the page of the Bible it’s written on as the Psalmist declared the tremendous joy and anticipation he had at the mere mention of going to the house of the Lord.

We realize today that “the house of the Lord” is far more than just a building as the Bible declares that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, however, there is still something quite amazing about gathering together with the family of God on a weekly basis to worship the Lord!

(To view the rest of this Welcome, sign up for a sample FREE Membership by clicking here or Join our site for Full Access to over 1,000 Church Letters and Welcomes.)


Christmas Service Welcome

Thank you for joining us for service today!

If this is your first time here at (NAME OF CHURCH), we sure do want you to know how much we appreciate you joining us today as we come together to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

This is a unique day as today is Christmas Day AND it is also a time we come together as the family of God! It only happens once every 7 years this way, and we are thrilled you have chosen to take some time to be with your church family.

(To view the rest of this Welcome, sign up for a sample FREE Membership by clicking here or Join our site for Full Access to over 1,000 Church Letters and Welcomes.)