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Letter Encouraging People to Volunteer to Serve (Fall Emphasis)


I wanted to take a few moments to send a letter to encourage each and every one within our congregation to pause for a few moments and consider our level of service within the church.

Of course, I realize there are some here who are brand new attendees and perhaps still trying to decide if this will be your “home church”, and that is understandable.


Volunteer Appreciation Banquet Invitation for Church

Greetings in Christ!

We are so appreciative of all our volunteers here at (NAME OF CHURCH)!  We wanted to be sure to send a personal note of Invitation to our Church Volunteer Appreciation Banquet.

This Banquet will be held on (DATE) at (PLACE) and will begin promptly at (TIME). We do encourage you to arrive at least 1/2 hour early to fellowship with one another before taking your seats about 10 minutes before starting time.


Thank Church Board Member for Faithful Service


I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that you do in your service as a church board member and let you know that I appreciate your dedication to this important role in the body of our church.

You have helped see to it that our church fulfills its mission, vision, and values. You’ve spent time in meetings evaluating our resources and ensuring that we are being responsible stewards of the gifts we’ve been given. You have taken steps to address and resolve issues in a way that keeps Christ at the center of it all.


Appreciation Letter to Long Time Children’s Sunday School Teacher


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
–Proverbs 22:6

Teachers are like pastors: you assume the responsibility and privilege of sharing God’s Word in a way that makes it easy for others to understand. Explaining scripture to children, especially, is neither a small or easy task. On the contrary, the task of relating the abstract or challenging aspects of our Creator is one that requires a special set of gifts from the Lord, and I, for one, am thankful that you have put your spiritual gifts to use so willingly over the years.


Thank You for Serving on Church Pastoral Search Committee


I know there have been many hours of prayer, study, and thoughtful discussion taking place during this search for a new pastor. I know that the committee has been working hard to listen to and follow God’s leading. To serve on the committee requires one to put aside their own interests in order to spiritually discern what is right and best and God’s true calling for the church. After all, you are seeking the Lord’s guidance and direction on who it is, exactly, that He is calling to be the next pastor of CHURCH NAME. We trust that, through Christ’s leading, the committee has found/will find the right person will come to serve CHURCH NAME as our new pastor.

