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Letter of Apology – Letter of Resolution Not Prepared


I know the pain of losing a loved one, and I realize that any additional adverse circumstances only make this period of time more difficult to endure.

While I certainly do not have any “excuses” that are valid for not taking care of this in a timely manner, please know that I do care and am here for you if you need anything else.

I truly made an error by not preparing a resolution of death upon the passing of your Grandmother ___________ ____________, and for that I am sorry, and I do hope you will accept my apology along with my sincerest condolences.


Offended Member Letter (1)

I wanted to take a few moments to send you a note to let you know how much you are missed in church lately.

The Church Family is the greatest family on earth, and if there is one family the enemy would desire to cause strife in, it is this one because it is made up of people like you and I who love God.


Apology for Cancelling Service


I wanted to take a moment to send a note to you to apologize for cancelling your ministry for our service on (DATE).

By no means was this intentional, and something we work hard to avoid due to the difficulty it causes to ministries such as yours who depend on services to be held as scheduled.


Letter of Apology for Offensive Behavior


I trust you are doing well, and experiencing the wonderful blessings of God in your life.

I wanted to take a moment to send this note of apology to let you know that I am deeply sorry for my offensive remark to you this past week.  In my zeal to provide some light hearted communication through joking around a bit, I realize I went too far in my comments.

