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Special Thanks to Mother Church at Dedication

Dear Friends at (NAME OF CHURCH),

Paul the Apostle shared these words with the church at Thessalonica which seem so fitting at this time; 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 (KJV) 2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; 3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.

On behalf of the leadership and congregation here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I would like to express our deepest appreciation 


Missionary Thank You Letter (Church Plant Theme)

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

We are writing to thank you for the prayers you have and are continuing to offer up to God on our behalf. We know the power of prayer, and our ministry is growing by leaps and bounds.

Due to the financial help of you and other Christian people who have helped us, we have been able to build a church in an isolated area where there has never been one of any kind before.  There are many of the local people who are attending church services simply out of curiosity and we don’t care as long as they come – we will tell them about Jesus.


Appeal Letter for Funds To Help Church Move To Own Facility


God is good ALL the time!

We are so grateful to God for His direction and guidance over the past 4 years as He has allowed us to congregate each and every week in the facilities of (NAME OF HOST CHURCH), and are so appreciative to the leadership and congregation for their generosity in so many ways.

Yet, with this in mind, we have a mission to fulfill and one of the essentials of that mission is to move into a building of our own where we can continue on the path of growth we have experienced both spiritually and numerically.

