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Father’s Day Tribute – Legacy Theme

(This may be used as a letter, yet it is primarily written with the intent of it being read openly on Father's Day in the Church as a Tribute to Father's)

On this Father's Day, we wanted to take a few moments to offer some words of encouragement and appreciation to all the Fathers who have chosen to worship with us.

In a world that continues to attack Fatherhood in so many ways, we want you to know that we honor you and pray for you not only on this day but throughout the year. It seems we are bombarded with television shows and commercials which intend to diminish the role of the Father into someone they are not, especially God-fearing Dads.


Father’s Day Tribute (To Be Read on Father’s Day)

Father's Day Tribute

(This may be used as a letter, yet it is primarily written with the intent of it being read openly on Father's Day in the Church as a Tribute to Father's)

On this Father's Day we offer these words of tribute to Father's, and since the backdrop of this tribute is in the Church, it will be with Godly Fatherhood as the focus of our attention this morning.


Tribute to Courageous Fatherhood

Courageous Fatherhood.

Moses had led the people to the brink of the Promised Land, yet due to a lapse in his judgment and through disobedience to God, he would not be the one to lead them into the land.

A time for leadership change had come, and Joshua was now leading the people. One can only begin to imagine how difficult this was for Joshua, as well as the people. Change in leadership is challenging for everyone, but following a legend of a leader is difficult on another level!