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Welcome, reader !
If you see your name above, you ARE logged in.  

NOTE: You may still be able to log in, but if membership has not been renewed, the letters and welcomes will not be accessible.  You may need to JoinRenew, or Log in.

  Do you have Limited, or No Access to our site?  
See what you're missing by joining one of our paid memberships...
NEW!  All Paid Memberships have access to our Social Media Graphic Library!
Join Silver, Gold, Platinum or Platinum Plus today!

(Based on Membership Level)

Access your downloads and bonuses (if any).  Or, just hover over the "Letter Categories"
link above to see the categories.  You may also use the Search function to find letters. 

If you need to learn how to use our site to access the letters and welcomes,
click this link for a brief video tutorial. (New tab opens to video)

PRO Member Benefits page with discounts to great Ministry Resource Websites and Software!  NOW AVAILABLE FOR ACTIVE PAYING MEMBERS!

Special Discounts from SermonCentral, Logos, Voicelogy, and special Bonuses from including Sermons with Powerpoint!


A variety of different categories available.  Simply download and use on the various Social Media platforms you may be on.  The graphics are 1200x1200 pixels and in .png format so may also be used on your church website.  You may need to adjust their size to work for you.  We highly suggest using Canva to adjust or create your own!  (Affiliate link)

Have a new email address?  
Need to update your address, phone number or password?  
Take care of it here.

Don't Miss a Letter or Welcome!  Keep your credit card updated for continued, 
uninterrupted login access to our website.

Please note:  
We do not store your credit card information, so you will not see it to "modify",
however, when you update the card, it will be sent to for secure processing.

Need to Cancel? Click the button to start the easy process.  We don't like to see you go,
but we sure hope the cancellation process is an easy process for you! 
You're welcome back any time! 

Visit this page for access to your receipts from renewals and purchases.
