Your letters have been a great help to our ministry. You’re right, thinking and thinking of what to say can wear you down … so your letters have been a great help. The letters continue to be a blessing to both Andrae and myself.”Thank you for being faithful to helping so many in the ministry. Andrae’ and Sandra Crouch

Pastors and Singer/Songwriters
(Andrae' move to his heavenly reward in 2015)
I hardly consider myself ever being at a loss for words, but has been an amazing blessing to me in reaching and connecting with friends, colleagues and ministry leaders. Sometimes I use an entire letter that speaks my heart. Other times I use just a phrase that helps me better articulate a letter I personally composed. I use it in letters, emails, more. It saves me a lot of time in the writing process. sort of reminds of me of a composer writing a great song for a singer to sing. It's really cool because people love being appreciated and edified. Appreciation always wins over self promotion!"
- Alvin Slaughter
Inspirational Speaker, Songwriter and International Worship Leader
Alvin Slaughter International

Church Letters is a Time Saver!
The main reason I chose to become a member of was to better communicate with our membership, and save time in composing letters. This has been a real time saver, and an additional feature is that because of the variety I get more ideas about people I should contact. I have found the membership fee to be quite reasonable as well, as again, it is a time saver and as they say "time is money"!
I really appreciate the arrangement of the letters and the organization of the site which helps to find the right letter at the right moment.
Good Resource with timely letters...
Good resources, timely messages, just good information! Very good help in certain message planning for special services so it's not just all about letters, but it's about great ideas too!
Time Saver and 30% Attendance Increase!
I like to take my time when writing letters and articles for the church because I want every word to count. These Church Letters are so well written that my valuable time can be spent on better things, and while I still spend a lot of time insuring my words are right, letters to my congregation are much easier to write and get out in a timely fashion.
I used the letter to invite folks to the Easter Service and we had a 30% increase in attendance that Sunday over what was expected.
Being budget minded, one is always concerned about the cost of any service, yet when I saw the results I became a true believer in what this site could help me accomplish.
Just the right words!
Having to come up with the right words to respond, console, thank, or even invite new people to the church was proving to be a bit much, and that's when I googled and found your site, it's much more easier to reply to letters and emails, and to find just the right words to say when sending a letter.
As a recent example, I wanted to find a letter to express my appreciation to a local pastor for allowing us to use his facilities, and to my surprise it was there. With a few changes in the wording it was done!
I use to give this over to my secretary and let her come up with something to express whatever needed to be said, but now it's easier with something to follow as a guideline to help me get started and it takes the "guess work" out of how and what to say in the various letters I send.
I particularly like the way the letters are in separate categories, like thanks, appreciation, condolences, etc.
I hope to be a member for a long time!
Lessens Preparation Time!
I use to assist with communications and to lessen the time spent in preparation.
As an Administrator, we are very busy sending communications out to members, church leaders, to the community and more. This site has been very helpful in quickly preparing communication pieces for our ministry.
I most definitely would recommend this site!
A Great Launching Pad!
I use this site to save time and energy.
The letters are well written for almost every situation and are a great launching pad on what you want to say to the congregation and community.
This site saves me time and makes me look good. It also provides that final break through when you get writer's block and I would definitely recommend this site!
Everything I need is on THIS site!
My primary reason for becoming a member is that everything I need is on this site; I never have to browse all over the internet for what I need -- it's here on this website.
This site has been so beneficial to me (and my church) in the administrative functions of the church. The various samples of letters help me tremendously throughout my weekly tasks of composing letters -- invitations, thank-you's, donations, etc. This site is the #1 source for me when I need help to get my work done.
I would definitely recommend this site to others because it is very resourceful; information is constantly updated. The site is easy to navigate. I have always found this site to be very helpful and have also referred others to this site so please continue what you're doing!
Sparks a flow of words that completes the message! has saved me tons of time. When writing I often get that mental block and don't have the right words to fit the message I want to convey. Usually, I can open and find similar letters which spark a flow of words that completes the message.
I would recommend this site. For a successful ministry, communication is important but most of us are pressed for time every day. Seeing thoughts similar to our own can be the means that facilitates the creative process to an end.
More time to minister to people!
Your letters help me to send out more information than I could even think about on my own.
Newsletters, invitations, announcements, and welcome notes are all easier to produce thanks to this site... and all holidays are covered!
It helps me to have more time to minister to the people.
It's fast and easy!
It's fast and easy! It saves me a lot of time as the letters are done with just a bit of minor editing on my part!
The recipients are very pleased!
It seems there's not enough time to find the right words when writing letters so this site helps with that situation.
The recipients are very pleased with the quick turn around time and wording of the letters and writing is less labor intensive and that's a great thing!
By the way, I appreciate the easier login!
Helps develop my writing skills!
I've used the site to help me develop my letter writing skills. It has inspired me to write letters to active members as well as non-active members on all upcoming church events. It's taught me to write letters of appreciation to church members for their volunteer efforts in ministry.
I would highly recommend this website... It is very helpful indeed!
I want to thank you and the many members of for allowing God to use you and the gifts He has given you to help thousands of people like myself to get letters out to other people that may be in need of a written word of prayer, exhortation and encouragement to bring peace and comfort. Every time I am at a loss for words, I can always find a letter in the ChurchLetters vast library to jump start my letter. Please continue to have an open heart and ear for the direction God is taking you and into.
Church Secretary
I want to thank you so much for your site it has been a blessing to me and our church. I was able to write a letter to several churches inviting them to our revival. We have a small church approximately 60 people, and we ended up with over 200 people at the revival due to your site, I was able to write the best letters I have ever written, we couldn’t have done it without your site and God. May God bless you.
Church Secretary
One of the most time consuming and energy draining jobs for me is writing letters. Saying just the right thing is important, but knowing what to say can be a challenge sometimes. Your letters give me the peace of mind of knowing I can find the right thing to say by just making a few changes to one of yours with very little effort. Now I don’t feel the guilt of knowing I need to write a letter for a specific occasion, but put it off so long I miss the opportunity. Thanks so much for this great ministry. I will tell my friends about your wonderful service.–
Lady Patriots News & Former Pastor
Wonderful selection that covers just about every contingency a pastor might need. I especially like the ability to use the letters as examples for developing my own correspondence. The Ministry Letters are carefully constructed: poignant, informative, cheerful, supportive, and crafted with Christ in mind. Keep up the good work.– Pastor Bill