A good church greeting, or church welcome can have a number of values. Here are a few:
Hospitality: A warm and friendly greeting can make visitors feel welcome and accepted at a church. This can be especially important for those who may be new to the church or who may be visiting for the first time.
Community: Greetings can help to create a sense of community and belonging within the church. By actively reaching out and greeting others, church members can show that they care about each other and are invested in building relationships.
Inclusivity: A welcoming greeting can help to create an inclusive and diverse environment within the church. This can be especially important for those who may feel marginalized or excluded in other areas of society.
Evangelism: A friendly greeting can also be an opportunity to share the love of Christ with others. By welcoming people with a warm and open heart, church members can show the love of God to those around them and potentially lead others to a relationship with Jesus.
Overall, a good church greeting, or church welcome can help to create a warm, welcoming, and inclusive atmosphere within the church, which can be beneficial for both members and visitors.
Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!
Welcome to INSERT NAME OF CHURCH HERE. We are happy to have you with us on this Father’s Day; thank you for choosing to spend a portion of your day worshiping Jesus Christ with us.
Like Mother's Day, Father's Day isn’t necessarily a “Christian holiday,” but what could be more Christian than taking a day to remember the men who helped give us life and helped shape us into the people we are today?
We here at (NAME OF CHURCH) are thrilled to welcome all mothers today in addition to everyone else who has chosen to worship with us!
While we live in a world that focuses on what we do, Andy Stanley has a powerful quote I thought I would share which goes like this; “Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise.”
We wanted to take a moment to welcome each one of you today as we take some time during each one of our services during February to observe Black History Month.
Welcome to our church on this blessed Pentecost Sunday!
Today, we gather in joy and celebration as we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and the birth of the Church. Just as the early followers of Jesus experienced the presence and power of the Spirit, we too eagerly anticipate the same divine encounter in our lives.
That first Pentecost Sunday happened over 2,000 years ago as the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 believers who had gathered to receive the promised gift!
John 14:16 – And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever — 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.
Most recognize this day as the Birthday of the Church as the Word of God was powerfully preached by Peter. Following this message, the Bible tells us that over 3,000 were added to the church in one day!