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Sermons and Sermon Series with Powerpoint
(Word Format with Powerpoint and Bulletin Inserts)
There are so many stories in the Bible about people going from a "Setback" to a "Comeback" it's almost too difficult to choose only four. Yet, with this series, we have chosen four stories that will resonate with your people as you share them. Please feel free to modify as needed, including changing the message titles if you wish.
"THE STORY OF THE MORAL" - The message about King David and his encounter with Bathsheba. While he went back on the morals he knew to be right, God wasn't done with him!
"A LAPSE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A COLLAPSE" - Peter denied Christ three times just like Jesus said he would, yet Jesus clearly wasn't finished with him yet!
"FROM WOUNDED TO WINNING" - Joseph could have decided he was going to be bitter for the rest of his life, yet he chose to be BETTER in so many ways!
"FROM QUITTING TO WINNING" - The story of John Mark "forsaking" Paul and Barnabas in the New Testament is a wonderful story of redemption, both for Paul and John Mark!
Link below is for zip files with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint files contained within.
Please note: The font "Calibri" is used so be sure it's on your system OR use a different font for both Doc and Ppt files. (Most computers have Calibri installed)
Jeremiah 42:5-6 (NKJV) 5 So they said to Jeremiah, "Let the LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not do according to everything which the LORD your God sends us by you. 6 Whether it is pleasing or displeasing, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God to whom we send you, that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the LORD our God."
Jeremiah 42:5-6 (MSG) 5 They said to Jeremiah, "Let GOD be our witness, a true and faithful witness against us, if we don't do everything that your GOD directs you to tell us. 6 Whether we like it or not, we'll do it. We'll obey whatever our GOD tells us. Yes, count on us. We'll do it."
We need to be careful in reading the Word that whether we “like it or not”, there are truths that we must remember are not debatable, but things that we must hold on to fast, especially in this day we live. The four messages are as follows:
SALVATION IS THROUGH THE BLOOD - Communion theme, but may be used anytime
LOVE IS NOT JUST ABOUT ME - Valentine's theme, but topic of love is applicable anytime
Links below are for zip files with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint files contained within.
Please note: The font "Arial" is used so be sure it's on your system OR use a different font for both Doc and Ppt files. (Most computers have Arial installed)
Series Text: Ephesians 6:13 (NKJV) 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Four Messages may be used in any order -
- Standing, Despite Failure (The Story of Jacob and Esau)
- Standing, Despite Fear (The Story of David and Goliath)
- Standing, Despite Unfaithfulness (The Story of Peter Denying Christ)
- Standing, Despite Others Bowing (The Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)
Each message has 3 main points -
I. The Test
II. The Travail
III. The Triumph
Links below are for zip files with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint files contained within.
Please note: The font "Montserrat" is used so be sure it's on your system, OR use a different font for both Doc and Ppt files.
Father's Day Message on Godly Goals for Dads
Text: Ephesians 6:1-4 (NKJV) 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 "Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise: 3 "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." 4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
I. Be a Man of Character (Who you are)
II. Be a Man of Courage (How you Function)
III. Be a Man of Commitment (Where you Aim)
From the story in Mark 4 which tells of Jesus telling the Disciples to get into the boat and saying; "let US go to the other side".
Yet, we know a Sudden Storm came up, but Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat. It always amazed me how Jesus could sleep at such a time, but He did!
Three points about the Sudden Storm then, and now in our own lives.
I. The Disciples were in the Will of God!
II. Jesus was in the Same Boat!
III. The Storm was Calmed!
1 Kings 17:2-4, 9,10 (NKJV) 2 Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying, 3 "Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. 4 And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."
This message shares the thought of being "there" where God calls us to be at that moment. While our "there" may change when the brook dries up, God always has another "there" to go to!
Simply 2 points to get across the idea of the blessings involved in being in the perfect will of God.
Galatians 4:4-5 (NKJV) 4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
This message is a follow-up to the message below titled "A Place Called There" -
I.NOW FAITH IS! (Hebrews 11:1)
The Apostle Paul was in a place of struggle in his life and ministry and in his transparency and weakness he doesn’t just think about it but puts it on record for the church to see.
Full Text Sermon with Powerpoint - Words are highlighted in Yellow where Powerpoint Slides should advance.
I. A Purposeful Trial
II. A Prayerful Request
III. A Perfect Resolution
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:7-10
God has called all of us to fortify our own lives and families against the attack of the enemy with God’s help. This is a message about one of the good Kings in the Old Testament (King Asa).
The Bible tells us in Verse 2 that “Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord” – This was an overall general statement about King Asa, and the scriptures continue with the specific things that let us know what he did that made him “good and right in the eyes of the Lord”.
I. Do What is Right
II. Be Prepared for the Challenges
III. God will Break the Power of the Enemy
Full Text - 2 Chronicles 14:1-13
It seems like the past few months have brought new words or phrases into our lives that we’ve only given passing thought to before.
Words, like: Pandemic, New Normal, Quarantine, Lockdown, Covid, and many more.
Lately though, there’s a phrase that I’ve heard and it’s this: “Cancel Culture” – We are going to look at three points today concerning “God’s Cancel Culture” and each one of them are wonderfully positive things for our lives to happen!
1. Cancelled Past
2. Cancelled Power
3. Cancelled Penalty
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
"STILL" (Part 2 of Series)
(See Part 1 Below)
Psalm 46:10 (NKJV) 10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
In a world of turmoil all around us, it's good to know when we are "still" before God, we can then remember things about Him like the following three points.
I. God is STILL Good!
II. God is STILL Exalted!
III. God is STILL Faithful!
"STILL" (Part 1 of Series)
Psalm 46:10 (NKJV) 10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
In a world of turmoil all around us, it's good to know when we are "still" before God, we can then remember things about Him like the following three points.
I. God is STILL on the Throne
II. God is STILL our Battle Fighter
III. God is STILL our Peace Giver
Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
I. Forget What is Behind
II. Look Forward to What is Ahead
III. Press Toward the Goal
Free Offering Time Message Samples

When we think of giving thanks we often think of a prayer before eating. For example, Jesus gave thanks over the loaves and fish before feeding the multitude. But its usage is not limited to saying grace before eating. Paul instructs that we should give thanks for everything.
Let’s look at three commands in the concluding remarks of 1 Thessalonians and relate Paul’s exhortations to offering time.
DOWNLOAD PDF FILE for the full message.
Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off Regular Price

In Deuteronomy 26 God gave specific instructions regarding what the giver was to say at offering time. As the tithe was offered to Him they were directed to thankfully say how they had been delivered from slavery and brought into the land of blessing and abundance.
Each of us has so much to be thankful for. Where would we be if it were not for the Lord’s intervention in our lives?
DOWNLOAD PDF FILE for the full message.
Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off Regular Price

"In God We Trust"
The inscription “In God We Trust” first appeared on our coins nearly 150 years ago. That was a time when our nation was being torn apart by the ravages of civil war. Historical documents reveal that the inscription was a result of the many Christians who were
crying out for God to heal their land.
Now, take a moment to get a bill out of your wallet or purse. Examine it. If it’s a hundred dollar bill, keep it out. We’re going to receive the offering in just a moment. Look at the green side of the bill and you’ll see the prominent words In God We Trust. When you see it raise your hand.
DOWNLOAD PDF FILE for the full message.
Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off Regular Price
Church Policy Free Samples below...
Church Keys & Fobs Sample Policy
1. Purpose: This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the issuance, use, and management of keys and key fobs for [Church Name], hereinafter referred to as "the Church." The policy aims to ensure the security of the Church premises, equipment, and resources while facilitating efficient access for authorized individuals.
2. Key and Key Fob Issuance: 2.1. Only authorized individuals, such as staff, volunteers, and approved contractors, shall be issued Church keys or key fobs. 2.2. Key and key fob requests must be submitted in writing to the Church's administration or designated key custodian. 2.3. All requests for new keys or key fobs must include a valid reason for access and be approved by the relevant department head or supervisor. 2.4. Keys and key fobs will be issued only to individuals who have completed any required training and have signed an agreement to comply with this policy.
3. Key and Key Fob Usage: 3.1. Keys and key fobs are strictly for the individual's assigned responsibilities within the Church premises. 3.2. Unauthorized duplication, sharing, or transfer of keys and key fobs is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. 3.3. Keys and key fobs shall not be loaned to non-authorized individuals under any circumstances. 3.4. Lost or stolen keys and key fobs must be reported immediately to the Church administration or designated key custodian.
4. Key and Key Fob Return: 4.1. Upon termination of employment or volunteer service, individuals must return all issued keys and key fobs to the Church administration or designated key custodian. 4.2. Keys and key fobs must be returned promptly at the end of an individual's assignment or when they are no longer needed.
5. Maintenance and Security: 5.1. Keys and key fobs are the property of the Church and shall not be altered, modified, or tampered with in any way. 5.2. Regular inspections of locks, keyways, and key fobs will be conducted to ensure their proper functioning. 5.3. The Church administration shall maintain a record of key and key fob assignments and access permissions. 5.4. Any security breaches, including lost or stolen keys, must be reported immediately to the Church administration.
6. Key and Key Fob Replacement: 6.1. Lost, stolen, or damaged keys and key fobs will be replaced at the expense of the individual to whom they were issued. 6.2. Replacement keys and key fobs will only be issued after a thorough review of the circumstances surrounding the loss or damage.
7. Amendments and Violations: 7.1. This policy may be updated or modified by the Church administration as needed. 7.2. Violation of this policy, including unauthorized access or misuse of keys and key fobs, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of access privileges.
8. Acknowledgment: All individuals issued keys or key fobs are required to read and acknowledge their understanding and compliance with this policy by signing a copy of this policy or an associated agreement form.
This policy is designed to ensure the security and controlled access of Church premises. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of key or key fob privileges and other appropriate actions.
Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off the Regular Price
Choir Ministry Policy Sample
Purpose: The Choir Ministry of [Church Name] exists to glorify God through the ministry of music, leading the congregation in worship, and enhancing the overall worship experience. This policy outlines the guidelines, responsibilities, and expectations for members of the choir ministry.
- Membership in the choir ministry is open to all individuals who have a genuine desire to serve God through music.
- Prospective choir members should possess a heart of worship, a commitment to the ministry's goals, and a willingness to abide by the policies outlined herein.
- Members are expected to attend regular rehearsals, participate in scheduled performances, and actively engage in spiritual growth.
Spiritual and Musical Guidelines:
- Members are expected to live a life consistent with Christian values, striving for personal spiritual growth and maturity.
- Musical excellence is a priority. Members should commit to improving their vocal and musical skills through regular practice and training.
- Choir members are encouraged to develop a heart of worship, understanding that their role is to lead the congregation into a deeper experience with God.
Rehearsals and Performances:
- Regular rehearsals will be scheduled by the Choir Director to prepare for upcoming performances.
- Members are expected to attend rehearsals punctually and notify the Choir Director in advance if unable to attend.
- Attire for performances will be communicated prior to each event. Members should dress modestly and professionally to maintain a respectful appearance during worship services and special events.
- Members are encouraged to participate in all scheduled performances, including special services, holidays, and community outreach events.
Leadership and Communication:
- The Choir Director will provide leadership, guidance, and musical direction to the choir ministry.
- Open communication is essential. Members should address any concerns or conflicts with the Choir Director in a respectful and timely manner.
- The Choir Director will communicate rehearsal schedules, performance details, and any changes in a timely manner through appropriate channels.
Code of Conduct:
- Choir members are expected to conduct themselves with respect, humility, and professionalism at all times, both within the church and in the community.
- Gossip, divisive behavior, and conflicts should be addressed according to the principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-17.
- Any behavior or actions inconsistent with the church's values and this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension or removal from the choir ministry.
Ministry Support:
- The church will provide resources, training, and support to help choir members grow in their musical and spiritual journey.
- Members are encouraged to participate in church-wide events, studies, and activities that foster spiritual growth and unity within the congregation.
Amendments: This policy is subject to periodic review and amendments by the church leadership. Any changes will be communicated to choir members in a timely manner.
By adhering to this policy, the Choir Ministry of [Church Name] will create an atmosphere of worship that glorifies God, edifies the congregation, and fosters unity within the church community.
Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off the Regular Price
This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for advertising and promotional activities related to [Church Name], herein referred to as "the Church." The policy aims to ensure that all advertising efforts are consistent with the Church's values, mission, and messaging while adhering to legal and ethical standards.
2. Principles
- Alignment with Church Values: All advertising and promotional materials must align with the Church's core values, beliefs, and mission, promoting a positive and inclusive message.
- Accuracy and Transparency: Advertisements must accurately represent the Church's programs, services, and events. Transparency regarding the Church's identity and purpose must be maintained at all times.
- Compliance with Legal and Ethical Standards: All advertising efforts must comply with local, regional, and national laws, as well as ethical standards for advertising and marketing.
- Responsible Resource Allocation: The Church should allocate resources (financial, human, and material) for advertising in a responsible and sustainable manner.
3. Approval Process
- Content Review: All advertising content, including text, images, and multimedia, must be reviewed and approved by the designated Church authorities before dissemination.
- Consistency Check: Advertisements should maintain consistent branding, messaging, and design elements to reinforce the Church's identity.
4. Advertising Channels
The Church may engage in advertising and promotional activities through the following channels:
- Print Media: This includes newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, and other printed materials.
- Digital Media: Church-approved websites, social media platforms, online directories, and email newsletters.
- Broadcast Media: Television and radio advertisements, provided they comply with local regulations and ethical guidelines.
5. Prohibited Content
The following content is strictly prohibited in Church advertising:
- Misleading or false information about the Church's programs, services, or beliefs.
- Content promoting illegal activities or behavior contrary to Church teachings.
6. Collaboration and Partnerships
The Church may collaborate with external organizations, individuals, or businesses for joint advertising efforts, provided that the partnership aligns with the Church's values and mission.
7. Monitoring and Evaluation
The effectiveness of advertising efforts will be periodically reviewed and evaluated by designated Church personnel. Adjustments and improvements will be made as needed to ensure the Church's advertising remains relevant and impactful.
8. Implementation
All Church members and staff involved in advertising activities are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to this policy. Failure to comply may result in corrective action or revocation of advertising privileges.
9. Revision and Updates
This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as needed to reflect changes in Church priorities, legal regulations, or industry best practices.
By adhering to this Church Advertising Policy, we aim to promote the Church's message, engage the community, and uphold the values that guide our faith community.
[Date of Adoption]
[Signature of Authorized Church Representative] [Printed Name of Authorized Church Representative]
Note: This template serves as a general guideline for creating a church advertising policy. It should be tailored to the specific needs, values, and regulations of your church. Legal and regulatory considerations may vary based on your location. Consult with legal and church leadership experts before finalizing and implementing any policy.Use Coupon Code "promember" for $10 Off the Regular Price
Church Job Description Samples
Volunteer Men's Ministry Leader Job Description
Position: Men's Ministry Leader
Department: Church Ministry
Overview: We are seeking a dedicated and passionate volunteer to lead our Men's Ministry, fostering spiritual growth, fellowship, and support among the men of our church community. The Men's Ministry Leader will play a vital role in creating an environment where men can connect, learn, and grow together in their faith journey.
- Spiritual Leadership:
- Provide spiritual guidance and mentorship to men in the church.
- Lead by example in personal faith, prayer, and Bible study.
- Organize and lead regular devotional sessions, Bible studies, and prayer meetings for men.
- Program Development:
- Collaborate with the church leadership to develop a comprehensive Men's Ministry program.
- Plan and coordinate events, workshops, and retreats that promote spiritual growth, personal development, and community bonding.
- Identify relevant topics and resources for men's discussions and activities.
- Community Building:
- Create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for men of all ages and backgrounds.
- Foster genuine relationships and fellowship among the men in the church.
- Encourage mentorship and accountability partnerships among men seeking spiritual growth.
- Outreach and Engagement:
- Reach out to men within and outside the church community to involve them in the Men's Ministry.
- Collaborate with other ministry leaders to integrate men into various church activities and service opportunities.
- Communication:
- Effectively communicate upcoming events, meetings, and opportunities to the men in the church through various channels (e.g., announcements, newsletters, social media).
- Listen to the needs and concerns of the men and address them appropriately.
- Leadership and Teamwork:
- Recruit and train volunteers to assist in organizing and executing Men's Ministry activities.
- Delegate tasks and responsibilities as needed to create a well-functioning team.
- Foster a sense of unity, respect, and cooperation among the team members.
- Personal Development:
- Stay current with trends in men's ministry, leadership, and spiritual growth.
- Attend relevant training sessions, conferences, and workshops to enhance your leadership skills.
- A committed follower of Jesus Christ with a strong personal relationship with Him.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Strong leadership and organizational abilities.
- Ability to work collaboratively with church leadership and other ministry teams.
- Past experience in men's ministry, leadership, or mentoring is a plus.
- Demonstrated ability to lead and inspire others in their faith journey.
Time Commitment: This role requires a flexible time commitment, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate the schedules of the men involved in the ministry.
- Opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
- The satisfaction of positively impacting the lives of men in the church community.
- Valuable leadership experience and the chance to develop organizational and interpersonal skills.
If you are passionate about helping men grow spiritually and build strong connections within the church community, we invite you to apply for the volunteer Men's Ministry Leader position. Please submit your resume and a brief statement of your interest to [contact email/phone number].
Volunteer Church Youth Leader Job Description
Position Title: Volunteer Church Youth Leader
Reports To: Youth Ministry Director/Pastor
Objective: The Volunteer Church Youth Leader plays a vital role in nurturing and guiding the spiritual growth and development of the youth within our church community. This individual will work closely with the Youth Ministry Director/Pastor to plan, organize, and execute a variety of youth-focused programs and activities that promote spiritual, emotional, and social well-being.
- Spiritual Leadership:
- Serve as a positive role model by demonstrating a strong personal commitment to faith and Christian values.
- Foster an environment where young people can deepen their relationship with God, study the Bible, and engage in meaningful discussions about faith and life.
- Youth Programs:
- Collaborate with the Youth Ministry Director/Pastor to develop and implement engaging youth programs, events, and activities that align with the church's mission and values.
- Organize regular youth meetings, gatherings, and retreats that provide opportunities for fellowship, worship, and learning.
- Mentorship and Guidance:
- Build strong relationships with youth members, offering guidance, support, and a listening ear as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and faith.
- Provide a safe and welcoming space for youth to ask questions, express doubts, and explore their beliefs.
- Teaching and Discipleship:
- Lead discussions, Bible studies, and small groups that encourage spiritual growth, critical thinking, and personal reflection.
- Equip youth with the tools they need to understand and apply biblical teachings to their everyday lives.
- Community Engagement:
- Encourage youth to actively participate in community service projects, outreach initiatives, and missions that emphasize the importance of serving others.
- Foster a sense of responsibility and empathy among youth by helping them connect their faith to social action.
- Communication:
- Maintain clear and open communication with parents, guardians, and church leadership regarding upcoming events, program updates, and any concerns.
- Utilize various communication channels, including social media and church bulletins, to keep the youth and their families informed.
- Training and Development:
- Attend regular meetings and training sessions organized by the Youth Ministry Director/Pastor to enhance leadership skills, deepen understanding of youth issues, and stay updated on best practices.
- A strong personal faith in Jesus Christ and a commitment to living out Christian values.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, especially when interacting with youth and their families.
- Previous experience working with youth in a mentoring, teaching, or leadership capacity is preferred.
- A heart for guiding young people through the challenges of adolescence and helping them discover their identity in Christ.
- Ability to work collaboratively with church staff, volunteers, and parents to create a cohesive and nurturing environment for the youth.
- Compliance with all background checks and safety protocols required by the church.
Time Commitment: The volunteer position of Church Youth Leader requires an estimated commitment of [X] hours per week. This includes planning and executing activities, attending meetings and training sessions, and being present for youth gatherings and events.
- Opportunities for personal and spiritual growth through leadership development and community involvement.
- The chance to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people and contribute to their spiritual journey.
- A supportive and collaborative environment where your ideas and creativity are valued.
Application Process: If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Church Youth Leader, please submit your resume and a brief statement of your faith journey and your motivation for this role to [Contact Information]. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.
[Note: Customize the above description according to the specific needs and practices of your church.]
Volunteer Church Benevolence Coordinator
Position Overview: We are seeking a dedicated and compassionate individual to serve as a Volunteer Church Benevolence Coordinator. This vital role involves coordinating and facilitating benevolence efforts within our church community, ensuring that individuals and families facing challenging circumstances receive the support and care they need. As a Benevolence Coordinator, you will play a key role in demonstrating the love and compassion of our church by assisting those in need.
Key Responsibilities:
- Coordination: Collaborate with church leadership and other relevant committees to establish and maintain an effective benevolence program.
- Assessment: Review and evaluate benevolence requests, working to understand the unique needs and circumstances of each individual or family seeking assistance.
- Confidentiality: Handle all benevolence inquiries and cases with the utmost discretion and respect for confidentiality.
- Resource Management: Maintain an up-to-date list of available resources, including financial aid, food, clothing, and community services, to provide well-informed assistance options.
- Communication: Liaise with applicants, ensuring clear and empathetic communication throughout the benevolence process, including updates on the status of their requests.
- Collaboration: Partner with local organizations, charities, and government agencies to expand the network of support available to those in need.
- Documentation: Maintain accurate and organized records of benevolence requests, assistance provided, and outcomes for reporting and future reference.
- Team Building: Recruit, train, and manage a team of volunteers who can assist with various aspects of the benevolence program.
- Fundraising: Work with church leadership to organize and promote fundraising initiatives to sustain the benevolence fund.
- Education: Develop and deliver educational programs within the church community to raise awareness about benevolence efforts and encourage a spirit of giving.
- Reporting: Provide regular updates to church leadership on the benevolence program's activities, challenges, and successes.
- Strong alignment with the values and mission of the church.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- Compassionate and nonjudgmental attitude.
- Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information with discretion.
- Organizational and problem-solving skills.
- Team player with the ability to collaborate effectively.
- Empathy and understanding towards individuals from diverse backgrounds.
- Prior experience in social work, counseling, or similar fields is a plus but not mandatory.
- Proficiency in using basic computer software (e.g., word processing, spreadsheets, email).
Time Commitment: This is a volunteer position requiring approximately [X] hours per week/month. The coordinator will need to attend regular meetings with the benevolence team, church leadership, and other relevant committees.
- Opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families in need.
- Deepen your connection with the church community.
- Develop valuable skills in coordination, communication, and community outreach.
If you are passionate about extending a helping hand to those facing difficulties and believe in fostering a culture of compassion and support within our church, we encourage you to apply for the Volunteer Church Benevolence Coordinator position. Please submit your application, including a brief statement of your interest and relevant experience, to [contact information]. We look forward to welcoming a dedicated individual to this essential role in our church family.
SMS Text Templates (Copy, Paste, Modify, Send)

Mother's Day SMS Text Invitations from Pastor to Congregation
"This Mother's Day, let us come together to honor and pray for the incredible mothers in our lives. Join us for a special service at [Church Name]. May God's love embrace us all."
"Dear [Church Name] family, we're excited to celebrate Mother's Day with a service dedicated to the strong and loving mothers among us. Let's share in this joyous occasion together."
"Blessings to all! This Mother's Day, we're hosting a heartwarming service to honor the mothers in our congregation. Your presence will make this day even more special. See you at [Church Name]."
"Inviting all to a special Mother's Day celebration at [Church Name]! Let's honor our mothers with songs, prayers, and heartfelt messages. Your family is welcome to join this celebration of love and gratitude."
"As we approach Mother's Day, let's prepare our hearts to thank and pray for the mothers who have touched our lives. Join us at [Church Name] for a special service dedicated to these wonderful women."
"Happy Mother's Day from [Church Name]! We're holding a special service to honor the love, sacrifice, and strength of mothers everywhere. Join us as we celebrate these incredible women in our lives."
"This Mother's Day, let's gather at [Church Name] to show our appreciation and love for all mothers. Our special service will be a beautiful tribute to the women who mean so much to us."
"Calling all families to join us at [Church Name] this Mother's Day for a special service honoring our beloved mothers. It's a time for gratitude, love, and celebration. Don't miss it!"
"Mothers are a blessing from God, and this Mother's Day, [Church Name] is celebrating with a service dedicated to them. Let's come together to honor and pray for the mothers in our lives."
"Join us at [Church Name] as we celebrate Mother's Day with a service filled with love, prayers, and blessings for all mothers. It's a day to acknowledge the invaluable role they play in our lives."
Easter SMS Text Invitations from Pastor to Congregation with
Emphasis on Inviting Friends and Family.
"This Easter, join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Let's come together for a special service of renewal and hope. See you on Sunday, and don't forget to invite friends and family!"
"Easter blessings, church family! Let's gather this Sunday to honor the resurrection of Jesus and rediscover the everlasting love He offers. Don't miss this moment of reflection and joy."
"As we approach Easter, let's prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection. This Sunday, we'll share in songs, prayers, and the Word. Your presence would make it even more special. Take a moment to consider who you can invite to the service!"
"This Easter, experience the power of resurrection with us. A day of uplifting music, inspiring sermons, and community love awaits you. Join us this Sunday!"
"He is risen! Let's come together this Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope it brings to our lives. Expect a service filled with joy and gratitude. Why not consider who you can invite, and then send them an invitation to join you!"
"Celebrate the resurrection of our Savior this Easter at our special service. It's a time for renewal, hope, and togetherness. We look forward to welcoming you and your family."
"This Easter, let the story of the resurrection fill you with hope and peace. Join us for a meaningful service as we reflect on this miraculous event. See you in church on Easter Sunday!"
"Let's rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus this Easter! Our service will be a testament to the power of His love and sacrifice. Your presence will bless us all. Why not invite friends and family to join you!"
"Easter is a reminder of Jesus's resurrection and His promise of eternal life. Join us as we celebrate this glorious day with a special service. You're warmly invited, and we also encourage you to invite friends and family especially if they don't have a church already!"
"This Sunday, witness the joy of the resurrection at our Easter service. It's a time to come together, celebrate, and reflect on the cornerstone of our faith. Can't wait to see you!"
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Church Visitor Follow Up SMS Messages from Pastor
"Hello [Visitor's Name], this is Pastor [Name] from [Church Name]. It was wonderful to have you with us this past Sunday. I hope you felt welcomed and inspired. Looking forward to seeing you again!"
"Greetings [Visitor's Name], I’m Pastor [Name] at [Church Name]. Thank you for joining us for worship. If you have any questions about our community or need prayer, please don't hesitate to reach out."
"Hi [Visitor's Name], Pastor [Name] here from [Church Name]. I just wanted to express my gratitude for your visit last service. We would love to have you back anytime!"
"Dear [Visitor's Name], thank you for visiting [Church Name]. If you’re interested, we have some upcoming events that might be a great way for you to meet more of our church family. Warm regards, Pastor [Name]."
"Hi [Visitor's Name], this is Pastor [Name]. I hope your visit to [Church Name] was a blessed one. We would be delighted to offer you a tour of our ministry and discuss how we can serve you better. Feel free to contact me!"
"Hello [Visitor's Name], Pastor [Name] here. I was truly glad to see you at our service. Do you have any feedback or questions about your experience? We'd love to hear from you!"
"Good day, [Visitor's Name]. It’s Pastor [Name] from [Church Name]. I’m reaching out to thank you for your visit and to let you know we are here to support you in your spiritual journey. Hope to connect with you soon!"
"Hi [Visitor's Name], it's Pastor [Name] from [Church Name]. Just checking in to say we appreciated your presence last Sunday and hope you felt at home. We're here if you need anything or have any questions."
"Hello [Visitor's Name], this is Pastor [Name] at [Church Name]. It was a joy to meet you! I’d love to invite you to a small group meeting this week as a way to get more connected. Let me know if you’re interested!"
"Dear [Visitor's Name], thank you for visiting us at [Church Name]. Pastor [Name] here, hoping to see you again soon. If there’s anything specific you’d like to learn about our community, please reach out. Blessings!"
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Father's Day Invitation SMS Messages from Pastor
Hi [Name],
We'd love for you to join us this Sunday at 10 AM for a special Father's Day service. Let's celebrate and honor all the wonderful dads in our lives. Hope to see you there!
Dear [Name],
Happy early Father's Day! You're invited to our special service this Sunday at 10 AM to celebrate fathers. Bring your family and let's give thanks together. God bless!
Hello [Name],
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM for a heartfelt Father's Day service. Let's come together to celebrate the fathers and father figures who have blessed our lives. See you then!
Hi [Name],
We have a special Father's Day service planned this Sunday at 10 AM. Come and celebrate the fathers in our community with us. We hope you can make it!
Dear [Name],
You are invited to our Father's Day service this Sunday at 10 AM. Let's honor the dads and enjoy a time of fellowship. Bring your loved ones and join us!
Hello [Name],
This Sunday at 10 AM, we will be celebrating Father's Day at our church. Join us for a special service dedicated to all fathers. We look forward to seeing you!
Hi [Name],
Celebrate Father's Day with us this Sunday at 10 AM. We have a special service planned to honor all the dads. Don't miss it!
Dear [Name],
Join us for a special Father's Day service this Sunday at 10 AM. Let's come together to give thanks for the fathers in our lives. Hope to see you there!
Hello [Name],
This Sunday at 10 AM, we will be honoring fathers with a special service. Come celebrate with us and bring your family. God bless!
Hi [Name],
We invite you to our Father's Day service this Sunday at 10 AM. Let's gather to celebrate and appreciate all the wonderful fathers. See you there!
Thanksgiving-Themed SMS Messages from Pastor
Hi [Name],
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Let's embrace every moment as an opportunity to express gratitude. Every day holds a blessing!
Hi [Name],
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds." - Psalm 9:1 Today, take a moment to reflect on the wondrous works God has done in your life. He is always with us!
Hi [Name],
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" - 1 Chronicles 16:34 Remember, God's goodness and love are everlasting. His kindness is our cornerstone.
Hi [Name],
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!" - Psalm 100:4 As we gather together, let's enter His presence with hearts full of thanks!
Hi [Name],
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him." - Psalm 28:7 In every challenge, trust that the Lord is your protector and helper.
Hi [Name],
"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." - Colossians 3:15 May the peace of Christ fill your heart today and always. Gratitude makes us whole.
Hi [Name],
"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" - 2 Corinthians 9:15 We are endlessly blessed by God's unspeakable gifts. Let's live today in awe and gratitude!
Hi [Name],
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:17 Celebrate the gifts God has placed in your life—they are given in perfect love.
Hi [Name],
"I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." - Psalm 69:30 Today, let your gratitude be heard! Sing praises to our Lord and glorifier with a thankful heart.
Hi [Name],
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Philippians 4:6 In every prayer, let there be thanks. God is listening, always ready to comfort and guide.
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Christmas Invitation Themed SMS Messages from Pastor
Hi [Name],
"Joy to the world! Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us this Christmas season. Join us for a special Christmas Eve service on Dec 24th at 7 PM. We can’t wait to see you!"
Hi [Name],
"The greatest gift of Christmas is Christ. Come worship with us this Sunday at 10 AM and share in the joy of the season. Everyone is welcome!"
Hi [Name],
"Christmas is a time of hope, love, and joy. Let’s gather to honor His birth. Don’t miss our candlelight service on Dec 24th at 6 PM. Bring your family and friends!"
Hi [Name],
"This Christmas, let us come together to celebrate the true meaning of the season. Join us for a beautiful Christmas morning service at 9 AM. See you there!"
Hi [Name],
"A Savior is born! Join us for a special Christmas Eve service filled with music, worship, and celebration on Dec 24th at 5 PM. Let’s celebrate together!"
Hi [Name],
"The light of Christmas shines brightest when we are together. Come experience the joy of the season with us this Sunday at 11 AM. You are loved!"
Hi [Name],
"Let heaven and nature sing! Celebrate the birth of Christ with us at our Christmas Eve service this Saturday at 7 PM. Come early for fellowship!"
Hi [Name],
"‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.’ Rejoice with us this Christmas season! Special services this Sunday at 9 and 11 AM. Hope to see you!"
Hi [Name],
"Bring your hearts and your voices as we celebrate the gift of Jesus. Join us for a Christmas service on Dec 25th at 10 AM. A warm welcome awaits you!"
Hi [Name],
"The best way to celebrate Christmas? Together in His presence. Join us for a joyous Christmas Eve candlelight service at 6 PM. Let’s glorify Him!"