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Invitation to Serve on Church Greeter Team

Dear (First Name),

We are so thankful for your presence and ministry at Christian Life Church. As you know, our church values offering meaningful times of worship, outreach and fellowship. As our church grows and we welcome visitors as well as long time members, we desire to build a team of faithful volunteers to serve as greeters who will share our vision, heart and values.


Letter to Youth Answering the Question of “Why Be a Church Usher?”

Greetings in Christ!

I am writing to you today (as well as other young people) about the possibilities of becoming a church usher at some point in the future here at (NAME OF CHURCH).  With that, most likely a question comes to your mind, and it might go like this: “Why be an usher?”

To answer this question, I suggest we refer to Psalms 84:10:  Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be


Request for Church Use (Wedding) From Outside City

Dear _________,

I am writing to request the possible use of your Church Sanctuary at  First Christian Church for a wedding between me and my fiance' ____________ ______________ on Saturday (date) at 2:00 PM.

We are living in Florida at the present time, however, _________ is my home town and we would like to have the service in __________ so that it would be most convenient for family and friends to attend the Wedding.

