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Welcome to Church on Independence Day Weekend – Thank God for Freedom

Welcome to Church!

We are so glad that you have chosen to worship with us today on this weekend that we look back and celebrate our freedom as Americans!

Someone rightfully said one time that freedom isn't free. Those of us who have lived in America for any period of time recognize that truly this is the case. Men and women have given their lives over the years so that you and I can enjoy the freedom we know, as well as the freedom to be here today to worship God together.


Church Welcome Speech for 4th of July Weekend

Welcome to (NAME OF CHURCH)! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us this week!

We take time to appreciate and celebrate our independence and freedom as a Nation. What a privilege it is to be able to gather together to worship God without fear of Government intervention. This is a right we enjoy and should always do our best to protect and defend it, especially in a day when our rights are being challenged more and more.


Church Welcome – Independence Day Weekend – Impossible Situations

Welcome to Church!

We are so glad that you have chosen to worship with us today here at First Christian Church, and we trust that as you enter in that God will bless you richly.

In a moment we are going to pray that God will help us to focus our minds on the freedom that he has given to us, yet help us to also realize that this freedom was secured with a high price.


Independence Day Weekend Church Welcome

This is the week that once again we pause and celebrate our freedom as a nation and the Independence and Liberty that we now enjoy. Today, we not only take a look at the Liberty we enjoy as Americans, but greater than that, we take a look at the Liberty that was made possible through the death of our Savior, Jesus Christ on the Cross.

