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Appreciation to Choir Member for Ministry FREE Letter

Dear (NAME),

I write briefly to send thanks on behalf of the congregation here at First Christian Church for your ministry in the Sanctuary Choir.

I realize that it takes a considerable amount of time and sacrifice to participate in this great ministry, yet I also know how rewarding it can be on a personal level, as well as the great blessing it is for the entire congregation.

We live in a world that is filled with talented and gifted people, yet have no thought of offering these gifts in service to the Lord.  You have chosen to do so by offering your singing voice in the Choir on a consistent basis, and I know the Lord is pleased.

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Raising Missions Awareness

Dear (NAME),

Jesus said in Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Those words spoken by the Lord are at the heart of our desire to share the Gospel with the world through our Missions giving here at First Christian Church.  Sadly, the Great Commission has become for many people the “Great Omission,” as they have failed to realize the supreme importance Jesus placed on reaching the lost.

Remarkably, there are still many people around this world that have not yet heard the name of Jesus, and the freedom He offers through a life surrendered to Him. The Bible also tells us: Luke 19:10 – For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” We are compelled to seek out those who are lost, and impart to them the Gospel message…or the Good News!

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On First Wedding Anniversary W/O Spouse

Dear (NAME),

With this being the first Wedding Anniversary you will spend since the passing of your wife/husband, I want to assure you that we are thinking of you, and praying that God will undergird you with His strength.

I realize that nothing can ever really replace the love in your heart you feel for your husband/wife you were married to until his/her passing.  Dreams shared, mountains climbed, valleys crossed, and much more was part of that special relationship that you enjoyed.

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Invitation to Join Water Baptism Class Free Letter

Dear (NAME),

I wanted to take a moment to send you a note to invite you to join us for a special class for Water Baptism on Sunday, November 15 at 10:00 AM during the morning Sunday School hour.

One of the most evident testimonies of the Salvation that has taken place on the inside is the act of Water Baptism on the outside.  It is our way of showing the world what has taken place, as well as identifying with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

Even Jesus Himself set the example when he came to John the Baptist asking to be baptized in the River Jordan.  We know it was not because He was a sinner, but He was setting the example for believers to follow, and we should follow Him into the Baptismal waters in direct obedience.  The Bible says in Acts 2:38 “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

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Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary (Free Letter)

Dear (NAME),

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary. What a great accomplishment!

As you know, God made marriage as one of the highest forms of worship, and one of the great institutions there is here on earth. He even uses the bride and bride groom as an analogy for His love of the church and for His coming return as well.  That alone tells us how special the marriage bond is to Him.

Not all couples in America make it to their 25th wedding anniversary anymore. Statistics tell us that almost one-half of couples are divorced before they reach twenty-five years of marriage. Thank goodness God has blessed your efforts to honor Him through your marriage as you have set an excellent example for others also.

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