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We Can Do All Things

Guideposts (9/95) published the story of Jim Stovall, who became totally blind at age 29. While he still had partial vision, he volunteered at a school for the blind. He was assigned to help a four-year-old boy, blind and severely handicapped. Stovall spent considerable time trying to convince the boy he could tie his own shoes or climb stairs in spite of his limitations.

“No, I can't!” the boy insisted.

“Yes, you can,” Stovall replied.

“No, I can't!” The verbal battle went on.

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Meanwhile, Stovall fought his own limitations. Because of his deteriorating vision, he decided he had to quit his college courses. On his way to withdraw from college, he decided to resign his volunteer position as well.

“It's just too tough,” he explained. “I can't do it.”

“Yes, you can!” said a little voice beside him. It was the four-year-old who refused to tie his shoes.

“No, I can't!” said Stovall with conviction.

“Yes, you can!”

Stovall realized if he didn't continue, the child would give up too. So Stovall stayed in school and graduated three-and-a-half years later. The same week he graduated, his little friend tied his shoes and climbed a flight of stairs.

Philippians tell us we “can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.”

— David Chotka in Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching (Baker), from the editors of Leadership.

See: 1 Co 1:27; 2 Co 12:9; Php 4:13.
