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What If Everyone Was Like Me?

In thinking about Ministry and the importance of every person being involved in serving, I asked myself this question:
“What If Everyone In The Church Was Like Me?”

Following are ten questions that came to my mind that I encourage you to feel free to use if you wish. They are simple questions that will speak volumes to those who simply “warm the pews” (or chairs) and those who are “laying it all on the line” in their service in the church.

(To be read slowly and thoughtfully…)

What would happen to the church if everyone were like me?

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What would happen if everyone had the same desire to serve as me?

What would happen if everyone had the same attitude as me?

What would the church be like if everyone were as friendly as me?

What would happen if everyone gave the same percentage of their income as me?

What would happen if everyone spoke about the leadership like I do?

What would happen if everyone had the same concern for souls as me?

What would happen if everyone attended church with the same frequency as me?

What would happen if everyone had the same burden for World Missions as me?

What would happen if everyone had the same devotional life as me?

Would the Church have Revival, or be struggling for Survival?