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Happy Birthday Letter To Member of Staff

I want to take this opportunity to send a note to wish you a Happy Birthday, as well as let you know how much you are appreciated here at First Christian Church.

Your efforts on the staff here have been a blessing to so many people, and your teachable and humble spirit have made it a pleasure to work with you on a daily basis.


Happy Birthday (Light Hearted 2)

Dear David,

Birthdays are…well…so annual!

Mike and his mother were in the doctor's office for his pre-school physical. The receptionist, completing his medical history, asked, “What is your birthdate?”
“February 25,” Mike answered.
“What year?” the receptionist asked.
“Every year,” was Mike's matter-of-fact reply.
— Betty L. Herring, Midland, Michigan. Christian Reader, “Kids of the Kingdom.”


Happy Birthday (Light Hearted)

Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday Dear ________, Happy Birthday to you!

Believe me, that is the closest you want me to get to actually singing Happy Birthday, but I wanted to be sure to send a note to let you know that I'm thinking of you on your Birthday.  I hope that enjoy a great time as you celebrate the fact that God thought enough of YOU, to let you be YOU!

