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Thank You for Serving on Church Pastoral Search Committee


I know there have been many hours of prayer, study, and thoughtful discussion taking place during this search for a new pastor. I know that the committee has been working hard to listen to and follow God’s leading. To serve on the committee requires one to put aside their own interests in order to spiritually discern what is right and best and God’s true calling for the church. After all, you are seeking the Lord’s guidance and direction on who it is, exactly, that He is calling to be the next pastor of CHURCH NAME. We trust that, through Christ’s leading, the committee has found/will find the right person will come to serve CHURCH NAME as our new pastor.


Pastor Resignation – 1

Dear (Board Secretary or Chairman),

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that I am resigning my position as Pastor of First Christian Church, and will be leaving 1 month from the date on this letter. (Use the information that is in agreement with your Constitution and By-Laws if such language exists).


Church Resignation Letter Pastor – 2

Dear Church Board,

I am writing you to deliver the news that as of (date), I will be stepping down from my post as pastor of Christian Life Church. I assure you that this was not an easy decision, but it is time for me to move on to the next steps in God’s plan for my life.

I know I speak on behalf of our family as I can truly say that this wonderful group of people have blessed our lives greatly.  I hope in some small way we have blessed your lives through our teaching and preaching, visitation and more.  Even though we are moving on from this place physically, a piece of our hearts will always be here with you.

