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Thank You for Easter Flowers – Memory of Husband

Jesus is Alive!  These words have brought hope to generations of people since that first Resurrection morning when Jesus rose from the grave and showed Himself to the hopeful and yes, even the doubtful.

I wanted to take this opportunity to send a note to thank you for placing flowers in the Church Sanctuary in memory of your late husband, John Smith.  I realize that special days such as Easter can often be difficult as we think back on wonderful times together spent together in the House of God, as well as in the home.


Easter Service Invitation (2)

Dear __________,

Something happened…

At least that is what we are caused to believe when we look at the Biblical and historical account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus over two-thousand years ago.  We learn for example of the friends and followers of Jesus who “stood at a distance watching these things” in Luke 23:49 as they wanted to stay away from the violence and controversy that marked Jesus’ final days on earth.