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New Year Letter – One Day at a Time

New Year Greetings!

There's a beautiful scripture I would like to share with you that no doubt you have read or sung at one point in your walk with the Lord. Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

While I have little doubt that the vast majority of us are happy to see the year (YEAR) in the “rear-view mirror,” so to speak, we know that the simple changing of a calendar will not fix everything wrong in our world.


New Year Church Letter – (Give Me That Mountain!)

I wanted to take this opportunity to send this letter to you and your family as we once again enter another year of potential and possibilities!

As we enter this year with optimism about the things which lie ahead, as well as the knowledge our Lord will lead and guide us, we also realize there will be moments of great challenge as we move forward.


Happy New Year – Forgetting The Past Theme

New Year's Greetings!

It's time for new beginnings!  It's time for a fresh start!  It's time to make some resolutions!

Thank you for taking a few moments to read this Church New Years Letter.

These are often statements that are made by most people at the beginning of a new year, and we as Christians are not really all that different!  Who wants to remain the same as before?  I know I don't, because I want to continue to grow in the Lord, as well as put off some of those things that have held me down for being all He wants me to be.


Church New Year Letter – Know the Plans Theme

Church New Year Letter – Know the Plans Theme

Greetings in Christ,

I don't know about you, but I'm excited about the New Year!

The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Now, I realize, of course, the context of this Scripture applies to the Nation of Israel, yet I do believe that we serve a God who is “the same yesterday, today and forever.”


As we look ahead into the year 2020, there's not a person among us who can be sure of what the future holds. For that matter, there's not a person among us who can even say for sure that God will give them another breath to breathe!


Happy New Year Letter – Evangelism Theme

Happy New Year!

While it hardly seems possible that another year is in the rear view mirror, it is indeed a fact.

I'm quite sure that this past year held many victories as well as many challenges. If your life is anything like mine, it can seem like you're on an intense roller coaster ride. Often we might feel like we didn't even sign up for the trip but we're on it anyway.

Well, one thing is for sure, and that is that this year will have its share of ups and downs as well.

