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Church Christmas Visitor Letter (Personal God Theme)

Warm Greetings!

On behalf of the congregation and leadership here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I wanted to send this letter to express our appreciation for visiting us during the Christmas Season for services.

There's a song that speaks of Christmas as “the most wonderful time of the year”, and I truly believe that, but possibly for different reasons expressed within the words and tunes of the song.


Christmas and New Years Church Letter

Greetings in the Christ!

Welcome and Merry Christmas! We are halfway through our celebration of Christmas, and a brand new year is upon us yet again. The birth of Jesus signals a turning point in history, a new beginning of sorts. Similarly, the New Year prompts us to reflect on the pass and thank the Lord for his many blessings he has bestowed upon us in this past year. It is also a time for new beginnings. How fitting that the new year should fall just days after we celebrate the birth of Jesus!


Church Donation Letter for End of Year

Dear Church,

As we rapidly approach the end of another year, we as a staff are praying and seeking the Lord’s will for the year that will soon be upon us.

Setting a budget for our church means that we take the time to evaluate the programs that we have been running, explore new possibilities, and talk with our finance people about what it will take to accomplish our goals in the new year.


Church Giving Report Cover Letter

Happy New Year!

Enclosed you will find your Church giving report for the past year of (YEAR).  We want to thank you so much for your generous support.

On behalf of the leadership here at (NAME OF CHURCH), as well as the entire congregation, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your faithfulness in giving.