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Invitation to Share Video Testimony of Thankfulness on Thanksgiving

Greetings in Christ!

Some of you who were brought up in the church may remember something called “testimony service”. This was a special time when people would get up to declare the works of the Lord in their own lives. This had a couple of purposes as it served to remind them and “cement” that in their hearts that God cares for them personally, but it also served as a way to inspire and bless others who might have been going through much of the same thing at that point in life.


Share Toys with Kids at Food Bank

Greetings in Christ,

It's hard to believe, but Christmas is almost here! It seems like it was just a “few days ago” since last Christmas, but as you know, time passes quickly!

This is usually the most anticipated time of year for children all across our nation and the world as parents do their best to give them a Christmas they will remember for a long time. I don't know about you, but some of my fondest memories of Christmas don't really have to do with “big toys” or “expensive gifts”, but good quality family time.


Appeal to Bring Food Items for Church Food Bank on Thanksgiving

Greetings in Christ!

Once again we are nearing the time of year in which we make an extra effort to show our appreciation to the Lord for His tremendous blessings and provision in our lives. What a blessed holiday Thanksgiving is!

Perhaps there's a time in your life you can think back to when things were a bit of a challenge financially. You wondered where the money for the next meal was going to come from, or quite possibly gas money was in short supply because of the need to use it for the more pressing need of food for your family.


Christmas Benevolence Offering

Warm Holiday Greetings!

With the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays just around the corner, we are taking this opportunity to send a note to all who attend here at (NAME OF CHURCH) so that we might share a very special way to get involved in being a blessing to someone in need.

As you know, this time of year not only is a tremendous time of celebrating our thankfulness to the Lord as well as celebrating His birth, but even in the midst of all the festivities that take place, we are often reminded of the difficulties people go through as well. While the intention for families is not usually the desire to “keep up with the Jones's” so to speak, there is a desire on the part of parents to bless their children with a few gifts.


Invitation to Thanksgiving Eve Service

Thanksgiving Greetings!

Psalm 107:21-22 (KJV) 21 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 22 And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.

Once again, it's that time of year when we express our thankfulness to God for the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon our lives in so many ways.

For the most part, we recognize that thankfulness is something that is taught over time. As Children grow, one of the most important lessons we can teach them is to say “thank you”, which of course is a great help to them as they mature and grow.

