It was our privilege to have you visit with us at the “Joyful Sound” concert, as well as pray with you following your response to the Invitation for Salvation at the end of the service.
Church Invitation Letters
These Church Invitation Letters are a great way for churches to get the word out about upcoming events taking place at the church or even within the local community.
Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience, therefore, they come from the heart of a Pastor! Your ministry efforts will be greatly enhanced.
These invitation letter templates are just a few of over 1,100 modifiable full-text letters within over 60 categories!
Join our site today for complete access to our vast selection of letters and welcomes. As a result, you will enjoy saving time, money and connect more with your congregants and community!
Send a letter inviting people to a church anniversary celebration, or an invitation to a “fill-a-chair” Sunday. Possibly, you could send an invitation to a Christmas Service! Whatever the occasion, you are sure to find letters you can easily modify and use! If you don’t see what you need, be sure to make a request!
These letters a great way to invite your own congregants to a church service or event. In addition, this practice sets an example for your people to invite their own friends and family to church!
Invitation Letter to New Attendees Luncheon
For the past few weeks, we have noticed that you and your family have begun to attend First Christian Church on a regular basis, and we are happy to have you join us for our services.
We trust that you have felt welcome, and that you have also found the teaching, preaching, and worship times to be relevant and enjoyable.
Water Baptism Prospect Invitation
Dear (NAME),
I was excited to learn that you were considering getting baptized in water in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. This is an awesome and powerful part of God’s plan for our lives, and by obeying Him in this act, you show your willingness to trust your life to Him.
Water Baptism Invitation Letter to Congregation
Dear (NAME),
The Bible tells us that in Luke 15:7 that there is joy in heaven when one sinner repents. We will be celebrating the repentance and salvation of (NUMBER OF BAPTISM CANDIDATES) of our brothers and sisters on (DATE), and I want to personally invite you to celebrate with heaven as we watch them make this commitment to the Lord.
Invitation to Military Personnel Appreciation Day
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a very special day here at (NAME OF CHURCH) called Military Personnel Appreciation Day on Sunday, September 20th at 10:30 AM. We are looking forward to this service in which we will take time to express our gratitude and appreciation for the service our military has given so that we can continue to remain a protected and free people.