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Appeal to Congregation to Give for Hurricane Relief


Once again, we are confronted with the news of another disastrous situation in DISASTER LOCATION, and we, as a church will do our best to reach out with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.

“History knows no disasters,” said the Literary Digest (Sept. 1923), “which parallels the earthquake and fire that visited Japan this month and laid waste the capital city and the chief seaport.” The New York Times described the havoc as covering about 45,000 square miles which contained five big cities and a population of 7,000,000. A joint survey made by Herbert Hoover and the Red Cross estimated the dead at almost 300,000 with 2,500,000 people homeless. Food, clothing, medical supplies, and volunteer workers came by the shipload. The American Red Cross collected ten million dollars from people of the United States for the suffering and homeless Nipponese. Those who lived through the awful earth tremors, the gigantic waves, and the tongues of fire must perish, it seemed, from starvation or disease. But they didn’t. Why? Because America remembered—remembered their need, their suffering, and their hunger. –Sermon Central

Americans have always been there when disaster strikes our global neighbors, and of course, the church has always been at the front of the line in response to the need.

Hurricanes and other natural disasters create great suffering in the wake of destruction. Christians know that by extending charity and mercy to those who have been struck by disaster, they are modeling God’s love and protection. Psalm 91:1 reminds us, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Giving generously to help those in need provides them with physical shelter, and modeling God’s love helps bring the unsaved into the spiritual shelter of the Most High.  It is also a wonderful way to practically show what the love of God looks like here on earth.

To that end, we will receive a special offering on Sunday, MONTH, DAY, to benefit hurricane relief for DISASTER SITE. Please search your heart and give what you can afford.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Appeals to Congregation to Give for Fire Disaster


When Thomas Edison was 67 years old, spontaneous combustion broke out in his film room. Everything was destroyed. The next morning, Edison looked at the ruins and said, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.” Three weeks after the fire, Edison managed to deliver the first phonograph. -Sermon Illustrations

Fortunately, most of us will never have to live through a disaster that destroys everything we own.

However, the LOCAL FAMILY has suffered a great loss due to the fire that destroyed their home. We rejoice that they survived without injuries or death; nonetheless, their rejoicing is tempered by the somber realization that they must depend on their neighbors to help them rebuild, because they have lost everything.

Christ instructs us in Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

If any of us were standing in the shoes of LOCAL FAMILY, we would surely hope that our church family would step up to help us. Therefore, in obedience to the instruction of our Savior, we will collect clothing, food, and home furnishings to help care for our neighbors the LOCAL FAMILY. Please bring your items to the church to the attention of CHURCH SECRETARY.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Cover Letter from Prospective Pastor to Church Board


Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Attached, you will find a copy of my resume', and I trust you will find all of the information to be in order, as well as helpful to you as you continue the journey in selecting the next Pastor of First Christian Church.


Returned Check Letter to Donor

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blue:

In First Thessalonians we read, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks.”

I give thanks for you and your faithfulness in tithing to the Lord through our church. It is a noble and honorable thing in the sight of God that we give back to Him, His church and the mission of it.

