Dear [NAME],
I wanted to take a moment to reach out to our family at [CHURCH NAME] to encourage you all to make the time to vote this season, and do your part in the election of our Government leadership.
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Dear [NAME],
I wanted to take a moment to reach out to our family at [CHURCH NAME] to encourage you all to make the time to vote this season, and do your part in the election of our Government leadership.
On behalf of the entire team here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I wanted to be sure to extend my thanks to you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our Church Health Fair this past Saturday.
Greetings in Christ!
We wanted to be sure to take this opportunity to send a note of deep gratitude and thankfulness to you, and the congregation of (NAME OF CHURCH) in (NAME OF CITY) for your generosity!
God is good ALL the time!
We are so grateful to God for His direction and guidance over the past 4 years as He has allowed us to congregate each and every week in the facilities of (NAME OF HOST CHURCH), and are so appreciative to the leadership and congregation for their generosity in so many ways.
Yet, with this in mind, we have a mission to fulfill and one of the essentials of that mission is to move into a building of our own where we can continue on the path of growth we have experienced both spiritually and numerically.
Warm Summer greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Summer can be such a wonderfully refreshing time for us as we go our separate ways for various vacations, cookouts, family reunions, and the list goes on!