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Letter of Recommendation for Job (2)

Note on this Recommendation letter: While it is difficult to write a “sample” personal letter such as this due to the uniqueness of each individual, these are some elements that are important to write a letter of recommendation if you are comfortable doing so.  One should state the facts as known without being too patronizing.

Warm Greetings,

I am writing this letter at the request of _______ _______ who is presently seeking employment at your company.


Adopting Couple Recommendation

I was thrilled to learn that a family in my congregation intends to adopt a child.  There are so many children who, for whatever reason, have been left without a family to call their own.  I believe that it is pleasing to God when a couple is willing to step up and make a child part of their family.

The Smith family has asked me to write a letter of recommendation for them, and I am happy to comply.    I have known this couple for ?? years, and feel that I know them well enough to be comfortable in saying that they will be wonderful parents to any child.


Recommendation to Bible School

To whom it may concern,

I was thrilled to heard that ___________ _____________ made application to attend ______________ college.

As ___________’s Pastor here at First Christian church, I want to highly recommend that you accept _______________ into your School.  I believe she will bring honor to the name of Christ during her time in College, much as she has done here at our Church.

