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Appeals to Congregation to Give for Fire Disaster (Family in Community)


Greetings, in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

When Thomas Edison was 67 years old, spontaneous combustion broke out in his film room. Everything was destroyed. The next morning, Edison looked at the ruins and said, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.”Three weeks after the fire, Edison managed to deliver the first phonograph.  -Sermon Illustrations

Fortunately, most of us will never have to live through a disaster that destroys everything we own.

However, the LOCAL FAMILY in our community has suffered a great loss due to the fire that destroyed their home. We rejoice that they survived without injuries or death; nonetheless, their rejoicing is tempered by the somber realization that they must depend on their neighbors to help them rebuild, because they have lost everything.

This is an opportunity for us to show the love of Christ in a real and tangible way.

Christ instructs us in Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” What an opportunity for us to witness to the rest of the community, by doing for our neighbors what would we have them do for us, if the shoe were on the other foot.

If any of us were standing in the shoes of LOCAL FAMILY, we would surely hope that our neighbors would step up to help us. Therefore, in obedience to the instruction of our Savior, we will collect clothing, food, and home furnishings to help care for our neighbors the LOCAL FAMILY. Please bring your items to the church to the attention of CHURCH SECRETARY.
Blessings in Christ,

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by https://churchletters.org (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Condolence on Death of a Sibling (Adult)

Dear _________________,

It is always a sad occasion when we lose someone very close to us. Unfortunately we all have to deal with the death of family and friends throughout our lifetime.  It is a sad time and important to find the support of others in such times.


Sympathy Letter Loss of an Unborn Child (Letter to Parents)

Dear ___________________,

We here at First Christian Church were highly saddened to hear about Mrs. __________ miscarriage. We would like to extend our helping hand in every possible way. We will pray for her speedy recovery and healing of her broken heart.  We know you both are shattered at the loss of all your hopes and dreams placed on the unborn child. Whenever you face challenges in your life, remember your sins are getting washed away.