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Child Protection Policy Reference Needed


Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Here at First Christian Church we have a “Child Protection Policy.”  One of the particular requirements of this policy requires that as a church, we are diligent in obtaining references in the screening process of our volunteer workers.  One of our volunteer applicants has submitted your name as a reference.


Letter to Former Ministry Member – Missing Funds


I trust you are doing well in your new environment, and that you're enjoying the blessings of the Lord in your life as never before.  We sure do miss you here at (NAME OF CHURCH), but rest in the Lord's will for your life, and our church.

This is a very awkward letter for me to have to send to you, however, I need to be diligent in my efforts to be a good steward over the financial health and welfare of the church body here at (NAME OF CHURCH).

