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Welcome to Church First Sunday of the Year

It’s time for new beginnings!  It’s time for a fresh start!  It’s time to make some resolutions!

These are often statements that are made by most people at the beginning of a new year, and we as Christians are not really all that different!  Who wants to remain the same as before?  I know I don’t, because I want to continue to grow in the Lord, as well as put off some of those things that have held me down for being all He wants me to be. Yet, we all struggle just a bit in our endeavor to move forward as failings and difficulties from the past create a “drag” on the vision for the future!  I’m reminded of a wonderful scripture that helps me each time those thoughts come into my mind:


Church Welcome Speech (New Year)

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!  Happy New Year to all the members of our congregation, church staff, and all of you visiting with us today.  We are thrilled that you have chosen to wake up early and rejoice in this new year of life with us at INSERT NAME OF CHURCH HERE.

It might seem ironic that we enter our new year in the height of the winter season, a season of dormancy, drab landscapes, and empty fields.


Church Welcome Speech – Move Forward!

(Great welcome for first service of a new year too)

Welcome to Worship Service!

We want to take a few moments today to remind you of the importance of believing all God says about you, and the freedom you can (and should) enjoy as you enter this time of Worship.

Too many people are allowing their present environment and outlook on life to be influenced by their past experiences, yet


Christmas Eve Welcome

Welcome to our Christmas Eve Service here at (NAME OF CHURCH). We are delighted that you and your family have chosen to take a few moments this evening to worship the Lord with us.

Over 2,000 years ago on a silent and holy night, the Savior of the World was born. Not in a Palace filled with pomp and circumstance, but in a lowly stable because there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the Inn.

