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Easter Sunrise Service Welcome

Good morning! What a joy it is to gather together at this Easter Sunrise service as the family of God in celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Over 2,000 years ago Mary Magdalene came to the tomb at an early hour. The Bible tells us in John 20:1 that it was so early it was still dark, yet soon the “light of the World” would once again illuminate this darkened world as He arose from the dead.


Easter Welcome Speech for Church

Welcome to (NAME OF CHURCH)!

We are thrilled that you have chosen to join us today for worship as we celebrate our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!

The Resurrection of Christ is the great “separator” when it comes to relationship or religion, and we want you to experience something far deeper today than dead and dry religious ritual. We want you to get to know Christ in a greater way than ever before!

