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Letter of Encouragement during Inflation

Warm Greetings in Christ!

God is good ALL the time!

As we continue to maneuver through challenging times in our nation and the world, I thought it would be of value to send a note to encourage you.

With each passing day, we are confronted with higher prices on every hand. Gas and fuel prices have impacted every one of us in ways we could not have predicted unless we experienced it first-hand. We seem to be “turning the corner” as far as the pandemic is concerned, but now we are dealing with unprecedented inflation.


Father’s Day Tribute – Legacy Theme

(This may be used as a letter, yet it is primarily written with the intent of it being read openly on Father's Day in the Church as a Tribute to Father's)

On this Father's Day, we wanted to take a few moments to offer some words of encouragement and appreciation to all the Fathers who have chosen to worship with us.

In a world that continues to attack Fatherhood in so many ways, we want you to know that we honor you and pray for you not only on this day but throughout the year. It seems we are bombarded with television shows and commercials which intend to diminish the role of the Father into someone they are not, especially God-fearing Dads.


Father’s Day Service Invitation

Warm Greetings!

On behalf of the leadership here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I would like to invite you to our service on (DATE) at (TIME).

As you may know, this will be Father's Day, and we will do our best to recognize and appreciate Fathers.

With each passing year, the family is under increasing pressure from the world to place less and less value on the family.

Our children are dealing with things that we could never have imagined just a few years ago as parents and grandparents.


Mother’s Day Tribute

(Please note: This tribute may also be used as a letter of invitation to Mother's Day)

Welcome to all Mothers who are either in attendance today or watching this service online.

The past few years have been quite a challenge for every individual on the planet, but especially Moms! (Don't worry, Dads, your day is coming soon).

While there are no classes on how to be a mother during a Global Pandemic, I believe if there ever is one in the future, Moms could write the workbook for it! Let's pray such a class is never needed, though!

While we are on the other side of this pandemic struggle, (seemingly) there are still challenges that parents face, especially if the goal is to raise a child to serve the Lord.


Easter Service Welcome

Welcome to service on Easter Sunday!

We are thrilled that you have joined us today as we gather together to worship our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!

Without a doubt, the resurrection of Christ is an event that validated the life and ultimate crucifixion of the Lord. If He had been placed in the tomb and stayed there, He would have gone down in history as another “good man” who helped many people but in the end, could not help Himself.

