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Guest Parking Spaces for First-Time Church Visitors

Church Visitor Parking Sign - Letter to Members and Regular Attendees

(Need signs like you see here? Click here to buy from Amazon – New Window opens)Greetings in Christ!

We are so thankful for each and every person who attends (NAME OF CHURCH), and we are looking forward to all God is going to do here in the weeks, months and years ahead!

Some of us have been coming here so long that it's entirely possible we forget the day we first attended, while others may remember it like it was only yesterday.

The fact is that the “first time” doing anything can be a bit difficult even for the most outgoing people. Whether a church is large or small, there is still those moments of trepidation about walking into the church for the first time.


Letter to Encourage Church Membership

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

There is nothing quite as great as the warmth of fellowship in a church where you feel the love of God, as well as people around you who are in unity worshiping the Lord together.

If you have been coming for a while you know that we rarely mention membership in the church.  We know of course, it’s far more important to be in God’s family which happens at Salvation. 


Welcome to Church First Sunday of the Year

It’s time for new beginnings!  It’s time for a fresh start!  It’s time to make some resolutions!

These are often statements that are made by most people at the beginning of a new year, and we as Christians are not really all that different!  Who wants to remain the same as before?  I know I don’t, because I want to continue to grow in the Lord, as well as put off some of those things that have held me down for being all He wants me to be. Yet, we all struggle just a bit in our endeavor to move forward as failings and difficulties from the past create a “drag” on the vision for the future!  I’m reminded of a wonderful scripture that helps me each time those thoughts come into my mind: