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Built-In Character

There was a family in the San Francisco Bay area that grew up with that kind of commitment. The son's name was David Kraft. His father was a pastor, a godly pastor in the South Bay. David Kraft grew up with a father who constantly remembered God's faithfulness in the past so that David might trust in God in all of his tomorrows. David grew up in love with Jesus, and he felt the call of God into the pastoral ministry. He went to Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary.

David was a big, athletic young man. At the age of 32, he was six feet two inches tall and weighed two hundred pounds. He worked with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. That dear young man was diagnosed as having cancer. It wracked his body, and, over a period of time, he dropped from two hundred pounds in weight to eighty pounds.

When he was about ready to pass from this life into eternity, he asked his father to come into his hospital room. Lying there in the bed, he looked up and said, “Dad, do you remember when I was a little boy, how you used to just hold me in your arms close to your chest?”

David's father nodded. Then David said, “Do you think, Dad, you could do that one more time? One last time?”

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Again his father nodded. He bent down to pick up his 32-year-old six-foot two-inch, eighty-pound son, and held him close to his chest so the son's face was right next to the father's face. They were eyeball to eyeball. Tears were streaming down both faces. The son said simply to the father, “Thank you for building the kind of character into my life that can enable me to face even a moment like this.”

— Ron Lee Davis, “Introducing Christ to Your Child,” Preaching Today, Tape No. 92.

See: Dt 6:1-23; Pr 22:6; Ge 22:7
