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Church Letter Writing Tip 2

Each Church Letter Writing Tip builds off an acrostic based on the words “Church Letters”.  At the bottom of each tip is a free sample church letter which may be used within your own church communications.  This letter may not be posted on any competitive website.

Church Letter Writing Tip 2

Our second lesson in “13 Tips For Church Letter Writing Success” will build off the letter “H” in our Church Letters acrostic.

Be Hopeful

One of the reasons for writing the letter is to encourage the receiver, and to provide inspiration and hope for tomorrow.

They will appreciate your positive approach to the situation, and you can certainly do this without being “fake”.  Doesn't the Word of God provide hope for each and every situation? Philip. 4:13 – “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” People need to be reminded of the fact that God is in control regardless of our ability to understand ALL His ways.

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When I say, be “hopeful”, I simply mean have a tone of hopefulness in your letter writing, as well as when you speak with them face to face, or on the phone. People will often gain new strength for the next day when they realize someone else believes in them, as well as offering assurance of our God who is in ultimate control!

People will be well served when they read or hear your communication, and go away with the attitude, “you know, I believe I really CAN do all things through Christ!”

Below is your second complimentary letter which you may modify and use in your own church communications.

(Church Letter to Discouraged Christian)

I understand that you are going through a difficult time right now, and I wanted to encourage you that God cares about you very much, and His desire is for you to find peace and joy in Him. This world can be a sad and scary place at times. We must remember that this world is not our home, and that even in the midst of the worst day of our lives, God is still in control. We don't always understand why He lets certain things happen the way they do, but we must trust Him.

Job gives us a beautiful example of trusting God through even the most difficult of times. Remember that Job had lost everything that was dear to him. He had been stripped of his wealth, lost all of his children and then even his health was failing. And then Job, amazing servant of God, spoke these words: Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him – Job 13:15 (KJV) It is not easy to have that type of faith, but we must try. Whatever you are going through, Jesus understands. The Bible tells us that Jesus was tempted in every single way that we are tempted (Hebrews 4:15 KJV). That includes fear, depression, loneliness and discouragement.

We might FEEL alone sometimes, but we are not. Jesus is always right there with us, and He cares very much about the things you care about. The things that are important to you are important to Him. Even during the times that you don't feel that way, it's important to remember that it's the truth.

He loves you so much, and so do so many in this church body. It hurts me to see you hurting, and my prayer is that, by learning to rest your cares on Jesus, you will be able to find some measure of peace. If there is anything I can do, or if you'd just like to talk, feel free to contact me or make an appointment through the church secretary. You are very important to God, and you are a very important part of First Christian Church.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (KJV)

In Christ,


Church Letter Writing Success 13 Part Mini Course by N. Lawrence of
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