These letters are a great way for Pastors to reach out to those who have been missing from the services for a while. Of course, the best option would always be a phone call or visit, but perhaps there are times a letter would be appropriate. They can either be used in Greeting Cards or Letters!
Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience, they will be a great addition to ministry efforts!
You sure have been missing a great Sunday School Class! We’ve been excited to be learning more and more about God and His wonderful Kingdom and how everyone – including teens – can serve Him better in their day to day lives. We’re sorry that you haven’t been able to join us the past few weeks, and really hope you’ll come back soon!
What an exhilarating study we have been enjoying these past few weeks in First Christian Church’s adult Sunday school program. As enjoyable as our study has been, something important is missing – YOU!
I speak for the entire class when I say that we miss having you with us for study and prayer these last few Sunday mornings. We have been praying (and will continue to do so), that your absence is temporary, and that you will be among us again soon.
I’m writing to let you know how much you have been missed here at church in the past few months. I know we have spoken on the phone a few times regarding this, but I just wanted to express to you not only how much you are missed by us, but to also encourage you to make the house of God a priority in your lives.
I wanted to take this opportunity to send a note to let you know how much we will miss you here at (NAME OF CHURCH) as you move on. Yet, isn’t it wonderful to know that as Christians, we are all part of the family of God!
I just wanted to take a moment to send this letter to congratulate you on your new job. It sounds like it will be an exciting position for you, and I am sure God will add His blessings in significant ways for you and your family.
With this in mind, I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank you for being such a blessing here at (NAME OF CHURCH) and to let you know how deeply I appreciate all you’ve done for the cause of Christ’s Kingdom here in this area.