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Appeal for Flowers to Honor Loved Ones during Easter

Warm Greetings!

What a wonderful time of year it is as we dedicate time to remember once again the wonderful Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Without the Resurrection, you and I would have no reason to rejoice or celebrate. Without it, we would be no different from many other religions of the world who remember their leaders with devotion and dedication, yet who do not have the power to change their hearts.

Spring is in the air and flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the buds are opening to display the beauty of God's wonderful creation.


Easter Miracle – Appeal for Extra Offering to help with Bills

Greetings in Christ!

We are nearing that wonderful time of the year when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

When we take a few moments to pause and think about all He's done for us, we realize that those few moments could easily turn into hours, days, weeks and years of just amazing God has been.  God the Father gave the Son, and Jesus the Son gave His life, AND the presence of the Holy Spirit as we live in these challenging days.


Food Pantry Appeal Letter to Community


I wanted to take the time to introduce myself as the pastor of First Christian Church.  We are located at 1234 Smith Avenue.  We wanted to let you know about the food pantry that we run in hopes that you’ll want to be part of this special blessing to our community.

Many in our community are hurting right now.  Anyone who turns on the news will see that more than any other time in recent history, people who never before needed help are now finding themselves unable to feed their families.

