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Christmas Offering – God is a Giver

Warm Christmas Greetings!

Isn't there just something beautiful about this time of year? For those of us who live in the colder areas, it may not be something so “heartwarming” to consider. Yet, without a doubt, there is just something beautiful about all the colorful lights and decorations!

The thing that makes it most exciting for me is that we will soon be celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. For me, at least, I believe Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year”!


Thanksgiving Offering for Special Need

Thanksgiving Greetings!

Once again, we are nearing that time of year in which we express our Thanksgiving to God. He is truly our provider and source of blessings.

Perhaps you've noticed, as I have, that as soon as October is over and November arrives, we begin to see Christmas decorations immediately go up! While I'm thrilled when Christmas comes, I'm always just a bit sentimental about the importance of Thanksgiving. Even on the first of November, I'm already seeing ads for Black Friday, and also Black Friday seems to start earlier than ever!

Somebody slow down and be thankful!

I'm sending this Thanksgiving Offering Letter as we usually do at some point before Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Sunday, we are looking forward to receiving a special Thanksgiving Offering that assists us as a church to be a blessing.


Year End Giving Report Church Letter

Warm Greetings!

Another year has come to a close, and as we embark on a new year, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much we appreciate your faithful giving the ministry of (NAME OF CHURCH).

It is gifts like yours that continues to enable us to function as a healthy and vibrant church. We desire to continue to reach out into our community with love and concern, but most importantly the Gospel of Jesus Christ!