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Church Ushers Day Press Release

The (NAME OF CHURCH), located at (LOCATION OF CHURCH) will be holding its Annual Ushers Day program on (DATE).  It will begin promptly at 9:00 AM and will end at 3:00 PM.

The church has outlined a set of activities that consists of mentorship talks, enlightening plays and guest messages designed to educate young people on the importance and benefits of working in the household of God.


Thank You for Allowing Us to Participate In Ushering Day

Dear Brethren,

Good day to our brothers and sisters of (NAME OF GUEST CHURCH).

We sincerely hope that this letter meets the congregation in good spirit and under the loving embrace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Words cannot truly describe the joy we felt when we received your letter of invitation to be part of your ushering day program, and we would like to thank you for allowing us the privilege to be a part of this very special day in the life of your church family.


Letter to Youth Answering the Question of “Why Be a Church Usher?”

Greetings in Christ!

I am writing to you today (as well as other young people) about the possibilities of becoming a church usher at some point in the future here at (NAME OF CHURCH).  With that, most likely a question comes to your mind, and it might go like this: “Why be an usher?”

To answer this question, I suggest we refer to Psalms 84:10:  Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be


Thank You For Coming to Usher’s Day to Visiting Ushers

Dear Sirs,

Good day to you and our brothers and sisters at (NAME OF CHURCH).

We were thrilled you chose to be part of our Ushering Day, and we are so grateful for the timely and inspirational message you delivered to the youth of our congregation.

I call your message a timely one because the feedback we received from the young brothers and sisters has been encouraging,

