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See You At The Altar – Encourage Parents To Pray


I wanted to take a moment to write to everyone concerning a very special event taking place here at the church called, “See You At The Altar”.

See You at the Altar is a day set aside (the fourth Wednesday each September) for parents and grandparents to gather and pray for their children at the beginning of the school year. The day for See You at the Altar corresponds with the day for See You at the Pole, a national day of prayer for students to meet at their school's flagpole to pray.


Invitation to Graduate Service

Warm greetings,

On behalf of the entire church family, I would like to take this opportunity to express our congratulations to you upon your recent graduation from college.

No doubt these past few years have required an intense amount of study, hard work, and a commitment perhaps like you've never known before.

We want you to know that we are so proud of you, and would like to take some time during the morning service of June 10 to publicly recognize you and others who have graduated from either college or high school.


Back to Church Invitation

Dear Church,

Next Sunday, September 17th, is our annual “Back to Church Sunday”. Summer is winding down, the kids are heading back to school and we are kicking off our Fall season with a special service and time of fellowship.

After a time away, such as many of us have had this summer, it is good to come back together and remember who we are and what we believe.

We are united under the Gospel of Jesus Christ as one body. We have common beliefs, purposes and goals, and spending time together strengthens our bonds, drawing us closer together and helping each of us to sharpen our faith “…as iron sharpens iron.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)


Back To School Letter to Teacher


On behalf of the entire leadership team here at First Christian Church, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we will be praying for you as another school year begins.

What a wonderful opportunity and privilege you have in teaching students!  I often look back with great appreciation to those who have taught me, whether it was in the early Elementary School years or in my College level courses.

