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Encouragement Letter to Share Christ with Others

Greetings in Christ!

One of the most discouraging aspects of sharing the Gospel is knowing that so many people will reject the message, and yes, even at times reject the messenger…you.

At times, we might think that if we could just be a bit more like Jesus then everyone would accept this message because we would minister the way He wants us to minister. We would share the exact words they need to hear to make the decision for Christ.


Letter of Encouragement to be Christ’s Hands, Feet and Voice!

Greetings in Christ!

A singer and songwriter by the name of Gordon Jensen wrote a song some years ago which mentions the fact that you and I as Christians are the only “Jesus” that many people will see.

No, this does not mean we are Jesus Himself of course. We know He is Jesus all by Himself, yet it should be our goal and desire to be just a bit more like Him every day by sharing what Christ is like. We are to be “lights” in a dark world!


Invitation to Share Video Testimony of Thankfulness on Thanksgiving

Greetings in Christ!

Some of you who were brought up in the church may remember something called “testimony service”. This was a special time when people would get up to declare the works of the Lord in their own lives. This had a couple of purposes as it served to remind them and “cement” that in their hearts that God cares for them personally, but it also served as a way to inspire and bless others who might have been going through much of the same thing at that point in life.


Letter Sharing Importance of the Church

Greetings in Christ!

Have you ever heard a statement similar to this? “Well, I would love to be able to go to church, but it's hard for me to do when I see all the hypocrites there.”

While you may have not heard those exact words, you've probably heard a variation of some kind and perhaps wondered a bit if you were being accused of being a hypocrite. None of us want to be considered in such a way, yet this is the impression often left in the wake of such a statement.

Jesus valued the church greatly, and in fact calls it his Bride! We know also that He's coming one day for a Bride without spot or wrinkle, but we also realize there's still a lot of spots to be removed, and wrinkles to iron!

