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Church Christmas Letter – “King of Kings” Theme

Warm Christmas Greetings!

I wanted to take this opportunity during this Christmas Season to send a letter to the entire congregation here at (NAME OF CHURCH).

What a year it has been! We had an election season unlike any I have seen, and I don’t know about you, but I’m just glad to be on the other side of it!

America is reminded once again of deep divisions in so many areas. For the Christian, we are reminded to pray for our nation, as well as those serving in leadership. We must pray, regardless of where our political leanings may take us!

I heard something during an election over and over again, and as Christians, I think we can all agree on the following statement:
“No matter who is elected President, Jesus Christ is still King of Kings!”


Christmas Letter to Church – “More to Follow”

Greetings in Christ!

Truly at this Christmas Season, we are reminded that we are greatly blessed because of the love of God which was showed in such a powerful way by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to come to this earth.

We celebrate Christmas, and in that celebration, gifts are given and gifts are received. Many do so with little, or no thought of the real meaning of Christmas, yet for the Christian, it is so much more than what we see reflected in the world.


Special Christmas Offering Letter

Greetings in Christ!

We are so grateful to the Lord for all His bountiful blessings during this past year, and while there have been many challenges for families, churches, and yes, even our nation, isn't it good to now we serve a powerful God!

There's a song with a chorus that goes like this:
Count your blessings, name them one by one.


Church Christmas Letter to Congregation – Less Fortunate


This time of year is amazing! It's a wonderful time when we cast our focus on the miracle of Christ's birth over 2,000 years ago as He left the splendor of heaven to humble Himself and walk the dusty roads of Israel speaking life and healing into the lives of the people.

I still believe we serve the same God today! How many lives we have seen come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and their lives have been completely changed by His power. For people who know the Lord, it's so much more than endless gifts and expenses at this time of year, but it's about living a relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on a daily basis.


Invitation to Christmas Musical

Christmas Greetings!

We are thrilled to be able to invite you to our Christmas Musical for this year will be held on (DAY, DATE and TIME).

This is without a doubt, one of the highlights of the year here at (NAME OF CHURCH) as people come to hear the Good News of Christ's birth celebrated through beautiful songs and powerful music scores shared by our Choir and Orchestra!

