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Christmas Benevolence Offering

Warm Holiday Greetings!

With the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays just around the corner, we are taking this opportunity to send a note to all who attend here at (NAME OF CHURCH) so that we might share a very special way to get involved in being a blessing to someone in need.

As you know, this time of year not only is a tremendous time of celebrating our thankfulness to the Lord as well as celebrating His birth, but even in the midst of all the festivities that take place, we are often reminded of the difficulties people go through as well. While the intention for families is not usually the desire to “keep up with the Jones's” so to speak, there is a desire on the part of parents to bless their children with a few gifts.


Thank You to Choir Members for Christmas Musical

Greetings in Christ!

On behalf of the entire congregation, I would like to take this opportunity to send a letter of thanks and appreciation to you for your participation in this year's Christmas Musical.

I know that it takes many hours of preparation and practice behind the scenes for such a wonderful presentation to be shared in what seems like a matter of moments!


Thank You Letter to Volunteer Choir Director – Christmas Musical

Greetings in Christ!

On behalf of the entire congregation, I would like to take this opportunity to send a letter of thanks and appreciation to you for leading the choir in this year's Christmas Musical.

For a leader, it is an extra responsibility as you select a musical you believe will be a blessing to people of all ages and walks of life. I know that it takes many hours of preparation and practice behind the scenes for such a wonderful presentation to be shared in what seems like a matter of moments!


Letter to Soldier at Christmas

Greetings in Christ!

On behalf of the entire congregation and leadership here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I wanted to send this note of appreciation to you for your service to our Nation as you serve in the military.

Christmas is well known as a time when families gather together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and in doing so, it becomes a time to appreciate


Pastors Christmas Letter – Lamb and the Lion Theme

It is that time of year once again when we pause and remember the birth of Jesus Christ which happened over 2,000 years ago as the King of Kings left the glories of Heaven to walk the dusty roads of this earth.

When we think of Christ at the time of birth, we can't help but be reminded of His meekness and humility as He took on the form of flesh.

