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Thank You Letter to Volunteer Choir Director – Christmas Musical

I wanted to take a moment to send this note of appreciation to you for the wonderful presentation of music during this Christmas Season!

Without hard work, and hours of practice and of course preparation before the practice this would not have been the success as it was, and continues to be as people share such kind words throughout the church and even our community.


Christmas Letter – First Christmas After Loss of Loved One

Christmas Greetings!

I wanted to take a moment to send you this letter to let you know I will be thinking of you, as well as praying for you as you go through this Christmas Season for the first time in many years without (NAME OF PERSON WHO DIED DURING YEAR).

Promise after promise of God's presence is shared throughout the Word of God, and one of the most beautiful is a prophecy found in


Thank You to Children’s Ministry Director/Pastor for Christmas Program

On behalf of the entire congregation and leadership team here at (NAME OF CHURCH), I wanted to be sure to pass along our appreciation for a job well done with this year's Children's Christmas Program.

Rest assured, the hours of practice and preparation helped to allow the children to be confident as they shared through song, spoken words, and dramatization.


Appeal to Congregation – Families in Need at Christmas


Well, it's that time of year again!  Christmas is such a wonderful and joyous occasion as we celebrate the birth of Christ by giving gifts (and receiving some too), as well as spending time with families and loved ones, and so much more.

This letter is just a little reminder that while we are so blessed to share in the joys of Christmas, it can also be a very difficult time for families struggling financially during tough times.

With this in mind, we would like to provide an opportunity for all those who are able, to help us make Christmas just a bit brighter for some of our families within the church to make ends meet.


Letter of Thanks for Giving To Families In Need At Christmas


I wanted to take a moment to send this letter of appreciation for your generous offering of love on behalf of families in need here at the church during the Christmas Season.

Without a doubt, there aren't too many things a parent struggles with more than knowing they are going to have to try to find a way to explain to their children why Christmas is so different this year.

Job losses, the economic situation and many other factors affect so many people, yet we often don't think about the fact that it also affects the children, especially at this time of year.

