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Encourage Parents of Christian School Children to Attend Christmas Services

Warm Greetings!

I trust you are doing well at this wonderful time of the year as we celebrate the advent of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What an amazing thought it is, to know that the Son of God humbled Himself over 2,000 years ago and came to this earth in the form of a child, born of a virgin.  He lived a sinless life, died, yet rose again because the power of death could not hold Him!


Christmas Letter to Shut-In – Encouragement to Faithful Christian

Greetings in Christ!

I wanted to take this opportunity to send this letter during the Christmas Season to let you know how much you are appreciated and loved.

While there can be little doubt you would rather be in the House of God at this time with us, you and I both know that the presence of God in our lives is not determined by our present location, but we can experience His touch wherever we are.


Christmas Letter – Encouragement to Stand Strong


Once again, the Christmas season is upon us, and I wanted to take a moment to send this letter of encouragement to you as we once again celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We live in a world that is increasingly either hostile or apathetic to the message of His birth.  It seems at every turn we hear about a company or business that has decided to make this simply another “holiday”, instead of the Christmas season it really is.  Yet, are we to be surprised about this?  I don't think so.


Church Letter To Congregation at Christmas

John 3:16 gives us the message of Christmas. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

While this verse is often overlooked as being a “Christmas verse” we can easily see the loving, giving heart of the Father in that he gave His only begotten Son.

