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Christmas Letter 2022 – Wise Men Still Seek Him

Christmas Season Greetings!

We can read the story of the Wise Men following the star to worship Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12. Please take some time to read that story as we come into the Christmas season.

The attitude of the Wise Men who came from a long distance away to honor the Christ Child is the same attitude humanity needs today in seeking.

The first chapter of Matthew represents the Lord Jesus as a Jew, the Son of David, the long-expected Messiah.

The second chapter tells us that the Gentiles are also interested in the newborn Savior.


First Sunday in Advent Church Letter or Welcome – Hope

Greetings in Jesus the King!

Welcome! Today is the first Sunday in the Advent season. Can you think of some of the Biblical themes of this season? Certainly, the love and faithfulness of God our Father is high up there, but have you ever considered the idea of hope? Although it may not be the first thing that comes to mind during the Christmas season, there is much to consider.

In fact, hope is a very prominent theme in Advent. The anticipation of the coming Messiah is always in light of the hope we have in his return. Just as the Israelites hoped for their deliverance, we too look forward to the final deliverance, his return in glory where he will create a new heavens and a new earth. As the prophet Isaiah proclaims:


Second Sunday in Advent Church Letter or Welcome – Peace

Greetings in Jesus!

Welcome! We are inching ever closer to Christmas day, the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the light of the world. We are coming to that realization that God is in our midst. As the prophet says:

The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty Savior; He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in His love, He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.  Zephaniah 3:17

The second week in Advent is traditionally the week of peace. Christians often refer to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace,” and the Psalms are full of references to God bestowing peace upon his people, as the Psalmist writes:


Fourth Sunday in Advent Church Letter or Welcome – Love

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], and welcome to [Name of Church]! We are so glad to have you join us today as we celebrate the fourth and final Sunday of Advent—a time of preparation and anticipation as we draw near to Christmas.

This morning, our focus is on love—the greatest gift of all. As we light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath, we are reminded of God’s boundless love for us, shown in the most profound way through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

